Chapter 24

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Surprise bitches, bet you thought you've seen the last of me. Some of yall really thought that I've given up on this fic, huh? I promised I won't, and I won't. <3

Anyway, if you're reading this I just want to tell you that I'm so grateful and I can never thank you enough for your support. Thank you for being so patient with me even though I took months to finally update again. I've missed all of you so much and I'm so sad that after this, there's only going to be one more chapter left to this story.

I know you know what will happen in this chapter, and I'm so excited for you to read it! I'm sorry if it wasn't that good. I've been super busy and distracted these past months, but I hope you like it.

Thank you so much, again. I love each and every single one of you.


I wasn't ready then, I'm ready now,
I'm heading straight for you.
You will only be eternally,
The one that I belong to.

- Adele

Louis widens his eyes as he straightens up again in his seat. He peeks around to see if anyone noticed, but none of them is bothered. In fact, everyone is tucked away at their own desks. The Omega sighs to himself, scowling at the ugly scrawl his pen made on the paper he was working on when he nodded off.

He puts the pen down, pressing the heels of his palms into his eyes.

He's exhausted. He's been working so hard these past few days. Being one of the people in charge for Harry's brand launching and store opening, Louis needs to do his part well to make sure that everything goes perfectly. He wants things to be great for his Alpha.

It's been taking a bit of a toll on him, but Louis tells himself that it'll be over soon. Besides, it's his job anyway. Despite the fatigue and the amount of times he'd fallen asleep without even realising it, Louis knows he can fight through it. Though, he can live without his head spinning most parts of the day. Stress really does that to him.

He blinks a few times to try and get rid of the drowsiness. Louis puts away the paper and turns to his computer, trying to do something else so he wouldn't be bored and succumb to sleep again.

He startles awake again twenty minutes later, almost drooling on the paperwork. Louis hastily wipes his face as he jerks back with an annoyed grunt.

He climbs to his feet and makes his way to the bathroom, offering a tired smile to anyone who greets him. Their knowing looks make Louis even more irritated with this whole situation. He washes his face, slapping at his cheeks to wake himself up. Staring at his reflection, Louis is surprised to see how tired he looks.

Louis rushes out, eyeing his table but instead of taking his seat, he walks past it. He knows he shouldn't, but Louis carries nothing but determination as he heads towards his destination. Something like his conscience tells him to at least announce his arrival. Louis sort of agrees with it except he's already pushing the door open.

Harry looks up, surprised but curious upon having his door thrown open without evena knock. Right, Louis should've at least knocked.

His brain is already shutting down, though, so Louis thinks he can be forgiven.

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