Chapter 25

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Omg hello! Hi everyone! I'm finally back after all these years sksksksks I guess the quarantine finally kicked me off my ass to finish this chapter! I'm so sorry for disappearing for two years, but I think life was really beating me down. Even my academic life was too much for me to handle. But on the bright side, I've experienced a lot of new things in the past year alone. I moved to Wales without my family for six months, solo travelled across Europe, lost my phone in Madrid, broke my laptop in Ibiza, and witnessed the Swiss alps with my own two eyes in Weggis and Interlaken, just to name a few. It changed me. I learned so many things!

By the way here's the final chapter, finally! Apart from losing motivation, I took so long to write this because I really couldn't decide what scenes to include and what to exclude since I wanted to keep the fic capped at around 400k words, so I had limited areas to work with. This chapter is around 30k word, which is more than I aimed for at 25k. I tried my best to touch a little bit of everything pre-baby, during the labour, and life with their babies. I tried not to make it too rushed, but there were a lot of time skips. It definitely feels like this isn't the best version of this chapter and that's sad because it's the final one but I'm not in a good mental capacity, so this is the best that I could give right now. I'm sorry.

Also I'm so sorry if I didn't reply to your comments! I read them all but I usually struggle with replying. Thank you, though. I'll try to reply to them all later! ♥️

I hope you enjoy this one and I hope I ended it on a good note and it feels like the right time. Thank you so much for waiting! And thank you for reading, for supporting. It means a lot to me. Happy reading!


Everytime I wake up, it's you,
Darling, it's you.
Everytime I close my eyes, it's you.
Baby, it's you.

- Arden Cho

Louis wakes up on a Sunday morning to the Eiffel Tower as his view when he looks out of the window. He climbs off the bed and grabs his dressing gown, putting it on and looking back at his sleeping Alphas. They don't look like they're going to wake up anytime soon.

The duplex apartment they're staying at for the week is luxurious but cosy. The first floor has a living room, a lounge, a kitchen, and a toilet. The whole second floor is the bedroom with two queen beds with a walk-in closet and an en-suite. It's amazing, and Louis will never cease to get awed by what money can buy.

Shiny marble coated the floor when they first stepped in and the living room was bright from the chandelier hanging off of the ceiling in the middle of the room. Louis was charmed right away. He doesn't know how much his Alphas are paying for the place, but he figured that it couldn't be cheap. The apartment is complete with everything they need.

It was Marcel who suggested they should have one last vacation before the babies come. They decided not to go too far, so Paris was on top of the list.

He walks towards the balcony, shivering a little and wrapping the dressing gown tighter around himself the moment he steps out of the door and into the open air. The sun is hidden by the clouds, but the sky is bright and blue and the city feels alive. The view is breath-taking.

So Glad That I Found You (Louis/Styles Triplets)Where stories live. Discover now