Chapter 12

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Uhh, hi.... hehe. I know it's been too long since I updated and I'm so, so sorry for that. Super sorry!! I was actually going to update on my birthday which was on 14th of January, but then, aha! Of course the worst had to happen which was me stepping on my laptop :))))) (don't even ask why or how it happened, just don't) while I was editing, so I had to rewrite some parts of the chapter. Dark times, dark times. But phew, glad I got through that. I also wanted to update on Harry's birthday but I couldn't make it since I've been super busy, haha (kill me) But anyway, here we are.

I hope you'd enjoy this chapter. I don't even know what's going on in this one, I have too many things on my mind. But my semester is going to end this April and I just can't wait! School has been super stressful and I'm not sure law is for me.

Alright, enough chit chat. Apologies for any mistake. Enjoy the chapter! :)


Alex is already up and about when Louis rouses awake the next day. The space next to him is empty when he pats the mattress, and since it's cold, Alex must have been up for a long time. Louis decides that he can still laze around in bed, so he rolls over and sighs in contentment.

He's going to move in with the triplets today.

Louis is quite excited but he's also nervous at the same time. He thinks of how they'd be the first faces he'd see in the morning, they are the people he'd have breakfast with everyday, and when he comes home it would be to their waiting arms.

It sounds quite redundant, but Louis is positively giddy.

The Omega doesn't think he can wait another minute anymore, so he quickly gets off the bed and rushes to the shower. He's like a child getting ready for a school trip.

When he pads into the kitchen fifteen minutes later, Alex has just finished serving toast and eggs for the two of them. The smell of the delicious food makes Louis' stomach rumbles, and the awful sound alerts his flatmate of his presence.

Alex turns to him and raises one eyebrow, making Louis grin sheepishly. He proceeds to take his seat.

"Morning." The Omega chirps.

"Morning, Lou." Alex smiles, pulling off the worn out apron he's wearing and hanging it up by the wall. He walks over to their small counter, grabbing two steaming mugs which Louis figures are their tea. "Made it like you always like." Alex tells him, taking a seat opposite of Louis and pushing the mug towards him.

"Thanks, mate."

"So.." Alex starts. "You excited?" The Beta smirks teasingly, starting to take small sips from the tea at the same time that Louis does.

If Louis is any more excited, he'd be bouncing everywhere he goes. He doesn't tell Alex that, though. "Very much. Quite nervous too, to be honest."

"Eh, that's normal. You'd be fine." Alex shrugs. Then, it appears that he's recalling something and a confused look takes over his face. "So, I took some look at the things you're taking along with you, and there are not many boxes, don't you think so?"

"Well, yeah. I figured that I'm not going to bring everything, of course." Louis tells his friend. "Some of those things benefit you more than me."

Alex smiles again, this time wider. "Thanks."

"No problem."

"I can't believe this day finally came." Alex says quietly after a moment of silence.

So Glad That I Found You (Louis/Styles Triplets)Where stories live. Discover now