Chapter 17

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I was hoping I could make it for this story's birthday, but nope. You know me, I always take too long to proofread and still end up with tons of mistakes. Yeah, I'm trying to embrace that part of myself. And I'll be honest, I've checked this three times, but my mind keeps going elsewhere. So I'm sorry for the mistakes that go unnoticed. Feel free to point them out!

I updated this in a rush. Hope everything's well!

Also, thank you for all the lovely comments and the votes you've left! They mean a lot! ❤️

Anyway, enjoy this chapter!




to cease to support or look after (someone); desert.

"Mr Tomlinson?" A tiny voice calls as Louis settles down in his chair.

He puts on a sweet smile before he even turns to the little girl standing by his table, almost hiding at the corner of it. "Lux, what's up, love?" Louis asks in a quiet, gentle tone. He subtly beckons her to come forward.

Her guarded demeanour falls away as she takes a step towards him, leaving the corner of the table that shielded her from his view. She still looks uncertain as she stops in front of him, her tiny foot poking at the floor and she keeps her head down when she speaks. "Are you not well?"

The Omega beams at her concern. He did have a few toilet trips here and there during class when he needed to get sick, but overall he's fine. He needs to ask Liam for some pills to help with his nausea. He can't have his students thinking he's fallen ill. "I'm alright. My stomach just feels funny, that's it." He reassures her, almost wanting to chuckle at how worried she looks. She's a very thoughtful child.

"Would you like a hug? Mummy always give me hugs whenever I'm not well." She wonders, genuinely upset that her teacher is not in his best condition.

Louis coos. "Of course you can, dear." He bends down a little in his chair, opening his arms wide. Lux brightens, already running into his embrace with her tiny hands wrapped tightly around his neck.

"Get well soon, Mr Tomlinson." She grins when she pulls back, a tooth missing at the front.

"Thank you, love. I already feel better." He kisses her forehead, then nods at the door. "Go on, now. Your mother might be worried."

Lux pats his wrist twice before she leaves with a big smile and a small wave. The Omega watches her go and imagines if his first child is a girl. It'd be so cute to have a little one with green eyes and a beautiful smile like her fathers. Her tiny voice would fill the house whenever she'd giggle during their playtime, and he already knows that she'd have the triplets wrapped tightly around her finger and have them get her whatever she wants. She'd be spoiled rotten.

Louis shivers to himself, eager at the thought of seeing his Alphas being fathers. He can't wait to let them know about his pregnancy and see their reactions.

When the clock signals that it's almost five in the evening, Louis finishes whatever work he has left before starting to pack up. He makes sure he doesn't leave anything behind before locking up as usual.

"Hi." Louis greets the waiting Alpha the moment he arrives outside.

"Done already?" The Alpha responds with a raise of his eyebrow, lifting his arm to look at his watch. "You're early today."

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