Chapter TWELVE

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Ariana's POV

i was standing in the tour bus bathroom, i ran my hand over the bruises that were appearing. A big purple bruise was appearing on my left hip. my eye was puffed up and red, i had slap marks down my legs and big purple bruises on my stomach.

There was no way i could cover the black eye with make up. i put on a pair of trackies and a hoodie. i will just have to lie about the eye, just like everything else. 

"Hey Ariana are you in there?" Niall asked knocking on the door. he must have gotten back.

"Um yeah" i slowly opened the door. he looked straight at my eye.

"What the hell happened to your eye?' Niall yelled. i looked quickly behind him and saw Scott and Liam looking straight at me.

"Nothing" i mumbled trying to walk past him, but he stood in front of me.

"Ariana, who the fuck done this too you?" He snapped.

"Niall i ran into a door, these things happen" i said razing my voice.

"Fine if you say so." Niall mumbled walking into the bathroom and closing the door behind him. i walked out into the front of the bus were everyone was sitting, They all looked straight at my eye.

"What happened to you--" Louis started.

"I ran into a door." i replied cutting him off.

"But you didn't have it before?" Harry replied looking straight at me,

"It takes a while to bruise" i replied. sitting down on the chair and pulling out my phone.


Heeeey herd Liam invite Scott on tour with you!! Have fun slut. xx

"Who's Pagie?" Louis asked from next to me. Straight away i felt Liam and Scotts eyes on me. 

"An old friend" i lied while yet again fake smiling.

"She called you a slut." Louis said as Niall walked in.

"Who called you a slut." Niall asked getting angry.

"Its what we do, i call her bitch she calls me slut. Its just our thing" i replied.

"Haha slut" Scott replied smirking at me.

"Haha yeah." i replied. 

"Shes a real bitch" i said smirking back at Scott. He gave me a you will pay for it later look. I looked back at my phone.


Lol nice save SLUT xx

I switched off the phone before Louis saw it,

"So who wants to play truth or dare?" Louis asked braking the awkward silence. Everyone moved round and sat on the chairs so we were in a circle,

"So who wants to go first?" Louis asked.

"Ariana will" Scott said smiling.

"OK Ariana Truth or Dare." Louis asked.

"Truth" i replied slowly.

"OK i read on a website you had a broken finger, if so how did you get it?"

"Um yes i do have a broken finger" i said showing him.

"How did you do it?" Louis asked looking at it. I looked straight at Scott and Liam.

"i don't no why don't you ask Liam." i snapped. Right after i said it i regretted it.

"Liam?" Louis asked razing an eyebrow. Everyone turned there heads to Liam.

Liam looked at me a little surprised.

"What do you mean?" He asked shocked.

"Nothing" i replied getting up.

"Where are you going?" Harry asked.

"Bed" i replied heading the down hall.

Louis POV

"What the hell was she talking about Liam?" Niall snapped at Liam.

"I don't no" Liam replied innocently. 


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