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"How could he do this to you?" Louis asked

I was about to answer when I herd the bus doors open, and the voices of the boys made Louis flinch. He's fist got tight, He chucked my phone at me and ran to the front of the bus, I caught my phone quickly and ran after him.

"LOUIS STOP!" I yelled causing everyone to look at me.

"Stop wh-" Harry started but Louis tackled Liam to the floor.

"WHY THE FUCK WHOULD YOU DO THAT" Louis yelled punching Liam right in the face.

"Louis what the fuck are you doing stop!" Harry yelled trying to pull Louis off Liam, while Louis was through ing punches at Liam. Scott looked up at me angrily.

"Why the fuck did you tell, you new what would happen if you did." Scott replied running up to me.

"LOUIS" I yelled as Scott pushed me to the floor, causing me to hit my head on the side of the chair,

"WHAT THE HELL, IS GOING ON IN HERE!!!" Paul yelled running in. He pulled Louis off Liam and he ran over to me and pulled Scott off.

I lied on the ground for a while, I touched the back of my head and felt a warm liquid. Niall came running over to me, he had tears in his eyes, he's eyes were filled with shocked and worried ness.

"Are y-you ok?" He whispered. He slowly helped me up.

"Louis what the fuck!" Harry yelled at Louis.

"I'm am going to have to kill you now!" Scott yelled at me trying to get out of zayns hard grip. I just flinched and stood behind Niall.

"Someone better fucking start taking!!" Paul yelled holding Liam back.

"Ariana it's your time to shine" Louis said wiping blood of his lip. Everyone's heads turned to me.

"You swear to god?" Scott yelled. Trying to lunge for me again, I flinched back.

"Ariana don't say a word" Liam hissed.

"Um-mm" I stuttered.

I rubbed the back off my head trying to stop some of the blood, everyone was looking at me for answers. My eyes flicked over to Liam and his eyes were red and he's fist were clenched he was angry. I know that look well and clear.

"WELL!" Paul snapped.

"I-" I stayed

"DON'T" Liam and Scott yelled cutting me off.

"LIAM" Paul yelled.

"Ariana continue" Niall whispered beside me.

"NO" Scott yelled.

"I can't do this" I mumbled.

"Ariana" Niall whispered moving closer to me.

I shut my eyes and took a deep breath. Everything went down hill, and fast.

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