Here Come The Drums

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Here Come the Drums

(The Sound of Drums: Part 5)

"The drums, the drums, the drums, the never-ending drumbeat."-The Master

A/N: So, by the end of this chapter, I'm imagining most of you are going to be going 'crap, she was serious.' Everyone take a deep breath, remember that I don't actually wish any harm to the awesome real people in my story, remember this is Doctor Who and anything can happen, and remember this story has a planned, definite ending that is not going to be a horrible terrible thing. If you don't like what's happening, blame Russell T Davies (the writer of these episodes/head writer during this period of time) not me. <_< Okay, now you may read. :P

"A living TARDIS..." The Doctor knelt by the caged-off console, examining a dial. "The last living TARDIS. Only thing in the universe strong enough to hold a paradox of any magnitude in place." He tapped the dial. "As soon as this hits red, it activates. At this speed, it'll trigger at..." He pulled on Jack's wrist, looking at his watch. "Two minutes past eight."

"First contact is at eight and then two minutes later..."

"What's it for, though?" Mallory asked. "Though I'll say, 'Paradox Machine' isn't exactly the friendliest sounding thing."

"More importantly, can you stop it?" Jack asked.

"Not until I know what it's doing. Touch the wrong bit and blow up the solar system."

"So we've got to get to the Master," Mallory said, her voice hard.

"Yeah," Jack agreed. "How do we stop him?"

"Oh, I've got a way," the Doctor said, off hand. "Sorry, didn't I mention it?"


"My fellow Americans, patriots, people of the world. I stand before you today as ambassador for humanity, a role I will undertake with utmost solemnity. Perhaps our Toclafane cousins can offer us much, but what is important is not that we gain material benefits, but that we learn to see ourselves anew. For as long as man has looked to the stars, he has wondered what mysteries they hold. Now we know we are not alone..."

As Winters spoke, Jack, Mallory, and the Doctor stood not far away. Jack leaned over and whispered to the Doctor, "This plan, you gonna tell us?"

"If I can get this," the Doctor murmured back, holding up his perception filter, "around the Master's neck... cancel out his perception, they'll see him for real. It's just hard to go unnoticed when everyone's on red alert. If they stop me... you've got a key."

"Yes, sir," Jack said.

Mallory only gave a curt nod.

"And I ask you now," Winters continued, "I ask of the human race, to join with me in welcoming our friends. I give you... the Toclafane."

Four spheres appeared, floating in the air around his head.

"My name is Arthur Coleman Winters," the President said. "President of the United States of America and designated representative of the United Nations. I welcome you to the planet Earth, and its associated moon."

"You're not the Master," one of the spheres said.

"We like the Mr. Master," said another.

"We don't like you," said a third.

"I... can be Master, if you so wish," Winters said, clearly fumbling. "I will accept mastery over you if that is God's will."

"Man is stupid," one of the Toclafane said.

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