I Can't Decide

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I Can't Decide

(Last of the Time Lords: Part 1)

No wonder why my heart feels dead inside / It's cold and hard and petrified. -Scissor Sisters, 'I Can't Decide'

A year ago, the call had gone out.

"Space lane traffic is advised to stay away from Sol 3, also known as Earth. Pilots are warned that Sol 3 is now entering terminal extinction. Planet Earth is closed. Planet Earth is closed. Planet Earth is closed."

Now, Mallory stood on a beach in Dover for the second time in that horrid year, eyeing Tom Milligan and waiting for him to make move to leave. "Well?"

There was a hesitation in his eyes before he inquired, "Is your partner coming separate?"

She tried not to flinch. After so long of walking the Earth together, it was not the first time since Budapest she'd heard a question of that nature. "No," she said flatly, unwilling to explain further and starting away from him.

He fell into step beside her, guiding her trajectory slightly. "So what's the plan?" he asked.

"This Professor Docherty, I need to see her," she answered, hoping beyond hope this woman could actually help them. She had first heard the name in Germany and immediately inquired further, realizing this could just be the last ticket she needed. "Can you get me there?"

"She works in a repair shed, Nuclear Plant 7," Tom explained. "I can get you inside. But what's this all for? What's so important about her?"

Mallory fell back on the typical answer when she didn't want to elaborate. "Sorry, the more you know, the more you're at risk."

Tom paused for a minute, walking in silence. "There's a lot of people depending on you," he finally said. "You're a bit of a legend."

"Certainly not what I hoped I'd be famous for," she said under her breath. After a moment, though, she softened. "What's the legend say, then?"

"That you sailed the Atlantic, walked across America," he answered promptly. "That you and your partner were the only people to get out of Japan alive." She shook her head at the world-wide game of Telephone. "Mallory Everton, they say. She's gonna save the world." Tom shook his head. "Bit late for that."

They were off the beach proper now, making their way toward an old, heavy vehicle concealed in a copse of bushes. A young woman, perhaps her age or a few years younger, was leaning against the truck. "You drive in an area this populated? Don't you get stopped?" Mallory had understood being able to travel by car out in Eastern Europe, but it surprised her here.

"Medical staff," Tom explained. "Used to be in pediatrics back in the old days. Martha was in residency," he explained, nodding toward the woman. "Mallory, Martha. Martha, Mallory," he said shortly. The woman nodded, a slight smile on her face, while Mallory furrowed a brow.

"Heard a lot about you," Martha said, extended a hand. "Glad to finally meet you." Mallory didn't answer, just ducked her head in acknowledgment.

"Anyways, that gives both of us a license to travel so we can help out at the labor camps," Tom continued. He opened the door and clambered into the front seat, while Martha did the same on the passenger side, scooting over so Mallory had room by the door.

"Wonderful. Traveling with doctors again," Mallory said with a humorless laugh.

"Story goes," Tom said after a moment, "that you're the only person on Earth who can kill him. That you, and you alone, can kill the Master stone dead."

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