Closing Author's Note

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Wow... here I (finally) am again. It certainly took longer than before. Some days I was almost afraid I was never going to finish this book! But we, of course, are finally done. (On today, my 18th birthday. Yay?)

Well, not done exactly, of course—Book 3, Touch The Sky, is still to come, and boy is it going to be a wild ride. I'm quite certain it's going to end up being the longest book in the series—provided I don't end up splitting that in two like I did with CTW and WTE. I'm going to post a short intro so you guys can add it to your libraries, but I'm not going to start it up right away—since Ludicrous is also starting next month, I'm going to take a break from updating for a couple weeks to give me the chance to get ahead on both. Don't panic, I'm not going anywhere! Of course I'm not going to leave you on this cliffhangers forever. (Just for a little while :P) There's also an epilogue for WTE incoming shortly.

Also, quick life update—I'm preparing for college, finally. Yipes! Thanks to waiting lists and procrastination, it's not decided if I'm starting in June or September yet. Because of that, while by no means I'm stopping writing, it's gonna be a bit lower on the priority list than it used to be. School and preparations for school are gonna take priority. If updates are slower than they used to be, you know.

Long story short—WTE is over, TTS is coming, Ludicrous is in the wings, and life is happening. More lies ahead!




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P.S. And once more for posterity:

Mattory: who even knows

Reset Button: infinity and hair flips

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