You'll never guess who

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Mayas POV

My eyes looked up and was surprised to see helped me. "Oh, thank you Finn." I sighed in relief.

Back in freshmen year, Finn moved here. He became good friends with Lucas. Than he gained feelings for Riley and some stuff happened. He stopped hanging out with us. Finn reminds me of Josh a little. Although, he has red hair and brown eyes, which look really good on him.

"No problem M." We have nicknames for each other. Mine is M for Maya and his is flippers since he loves to swim.

We walked out of the closet and apparently the bell still hasn't rung. Finn and I walked in the cafeteria and everyone at my table gave me a weird look, especially Riley.

"Wh-wheres, um, Peter?" She asked. Riley seemed stressed. Maybe she thinks he's dead, I mean Finn is a pretty big guy.

"He um... he, a, started yelling so, um, I left. Walking back Finn here saw me and wanted to talk." Lucas gave me a worried look. "What's wrong Lucas?" I asked.

"I'm just worried, I mean this guy over here tried to split Riley and I up!" Lucas told everyone.

"Calm down! He didn't try anything with me." I reassured Lucas. "And either way, he didn't try to split you and Riley up. He simply had feelings for Riley. Its like when I liked you when Riley and you had a thing already."


Once I got home I flopped into my bed. Then my phone rang.


"Hey M, thanks for standing up for me in lunch today." Finn implied.

"Yea, and thanks for helping me with the whole Peter thing."

"While I mean, he was hurting you it looked like." Finn said.

"So, to get off the topic, why'd you call?" I questioned.

"Oh, I was wondering if you would enjoy going ice skating with me?"

"Yea, totally! That would be really great."

"Cool, so I'll pick you up at six."

"OK, see you then. Bye flippers."


Hours later, Finn picked me up and we went to go skating. It was the middle of January, so perfect skating weather. When we got there we got our skates on and tried to get on the rink. It seems a lot harder than you may think!

"Is this you first time skating M?" Finn wondered.

"Actually, no. But the last time I did I was about seven." We both laughed, "What about you?"

Finn paused, looked down, than finally answered, "Yes..." We both laughed. "Hey, I much prefer when its water instead of ice!"

We skated for a half an hour, but we gave up trying and went for some food.

We decided to go to and in-n-out burger (sorry, I don't know if there are any of those in New York. Please tell me if so.) When we got there I saw Lucas and Farkle sitting at one of the booths.

"Oh, hey guys! What are you two doing here?" I wondered.

"Well, we were hungry..." Farkle laughs.

"Really, sarcasm Farkle?" I glare at him.

"I'm sorry." He giggles, "but Lucas here herd.." Lucas made a face as if he didn't want me to know why they were here.

"Whatever. Let's go flippers." I tell Finn.

We walk to the opposite side of the restaurant. This is so my friends don't bug us or make fun of Finn again.

"Wow!" Finn says.

"What? Is there something wrong?"I start to worry.

"Well, you go on a date with me when you already have someone." Finn implies.

"What are you talking about silly? You mean Farkle? He has a thing for Riley!" I assure him.

"No, not Farkle."

"LUCAS!?!" I yell. He looks over to us and Finn and I start laughing.

"You really don't see it, do you?" Finn questions me.

"What do you mean? He's with Riley!" I yell at him.

"You don't see the way he looks at you? Or the way he supposedly comes to the same place as our date? Or how he was ready to pound me when I came in the cafeteria with you?" He kept saying things that made it seem like Lucas liked me.

"No." Finn gave me a look, "No! He's with Riley! They're meant to be. Not me and him!"

"Well, the way he acts around you makes it seem like he wants to be with you!" Finn proceeded. "I could be wrong! Just observation."

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