He's right...

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Finn got a text from his mom saying he needed to go home. I decided to stay back and think.

Walking home I thought about what Finn said. "You don't see the way he looks at you?" I rethought about that line especially. I really didn't realize simple things like this. Ever since middle school, I always thought it was Riley and Lucas forever! As if I never had a chance.

It got dark really quickly! Only eight and it looked like it was midnight. All the sudden someone pated my shoulder. I flinch as if I was about to get attacked.

"Calm down! Its just me." The figure said.

"Um sorry, I can't tell who you are. Its just really dark." I try squinting, but that does nothing. Then, the man steps out of the black abyss.

"Peter?" I shout.

"What? Surprised?" He asks me.

"While, yes! How'd you know I'd be here?"

"I was walking over to your apartment to apologise about lunch, but here you are. I'm so sorry about lunch! I am over you! But, um... Someone made me do it."

"What do you mean?" I'm interested in what he has to say.

"While... crap! Its already eight thirty! I need to go." He quickly leaves.

"WAIT! You never..." Whatever.


Peter's POV

I really didn't need to go. I just didn't want to get in trouble.


Lucas's POV
When Maya left I had no reason to stay. So I asked Farkle if I could go, he said that would be alright. "Wait, Lucas? Why didn't you want me to tell Maya you like her?" He asked me.

"You know I'm with Riley. And if Maya finds out I like her, shell push away even more so Riley can be happy." I tell him.

"Lucas, if you love Maya so much, break up with Riley!"

"I can't, if I do than Maya with never want me. She'll think I wanted to hurt Riley." I complain.

"You're right. But what if Riley does something?" He wonders.

"That could never happen! Than Riley will have no one." I have no idea what to do.

"Well, what if I slowly make Riley fall in love with me?" Farkle says.

"Wait a minute? Does Farkle have a crush?!?" I practically yell.

He massively blushes. "Maybe..."

"No, I can't, I'm sorry bro. Riley is my first love, let's just see where her and I end up." I say.

"Your choice bud."


The next day in school I saw Riley talking with Peter again. What the heck! I walk up to them and they suddenly go really quiet. "What's happening you guys?" I ask them.

"Oh nothing" Riley says very quickly, "Just talking." I gave the two a suspicious look.

"Riley are you cheating on me?!?" I blurt out.

"What!?! Never," she gasps, yet she paused.

"Riley Matthews! Tell me the truth right now!" I yelled so everyone could hear.

"I'M NOT LUCAS!" She shouted back.

All I did was get up in Peter's face like I was going to slap him, but no. No "Texas Lucas" today. So I try to walk off calmly. Or as calmly as I could.

I walk into a small room, and scream at the top of my lungs. Someone herd me and shuffled over by the door. The door opened and to my surprise I see
Maya, just standing there.

"Before you say anythi..."

"Ok, yes! I did break up with Riley! But it seemed like she was cheating on me with him!" I interrupted.

"I know how you feel. I felt the same way when I herd about Peter. But you know who helped me through it, you!" Maya assured me. "What if I tell you Riley wasn't cheating on you?"

"I would ask, "how do you know?"' I reply.

"Oh common Lucas! This is Riley we're talking about!" Maya says to me.

"While lately, Riley hasn't really been herself." 

"Is it since she found out you like me?"

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