I Messed Up

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Maya's POV

Walking home from Finn's was a nightmare. I kept replaying the scene over and over in my head. Thinking about what I've gotten myself into. I mean, I couldn't tell my new boyfriend I cut!

People in books and TV shows always make it look easy to just come out and say, "Oh look, I cut!" It kills me knowing how awful of a person I am for cutting, but now I feel even worse since I need to lie to the one person I really care about.

Wait, scratch that, one of the four people I care about.

I mean, how could I forget Riley, she's my best friend. Then again, I haven't really talked to her since my irrational flip out at my "welcome home!" party. I do feel really bad about that, god, why do I always have to ruin everything!

Then there's Farkle, who like Riley, I haven't really seen since that party. You see, I care for both of them, but I feel like I'm slowly drifting away from Farkle and mines friendship ever since him and Riley have gotten together. Don't get me wrong, they're the sweetest, yet I can see how distant I've gotten.

Finally, there's Lucas. What do I say about him. He was there when nobody else was. I drove Farkle and Riley away, and Finn was in that god awful comma I put him in. Even with my screams and fighting, Lucas managed to somehow keep me sane. Or, as sane as I am now...

God, see, even just talking about the people I love most makes me hate myself even more. Realising all the shit I've put all of them through. Why am I so horrible to them?

I'm almost home when a older guy that lives a couple buildings away walks strangly close behind me. I keep looking back, worried something will happen.

Sure enough, the next thing I know is that he pulled me aside onto one of the buildings I was passing. He covers my mouth as I look at him wide eyes and scared to death. He looks me up and down, having creepy thoughts going through his mind.

Taking his hand off my mouth I'm ready to shout, or scream, or cry, or all three, but I couldn't do any of those options since the man put his slimey lips on mine before I could. It takes a moment, but I bite his mouth, forcing him to release.

"God fucking damn it..." he mumbles, "You're going to regret that you little slut." he comments as he slaps me hard across the face.

"No, please, I just want to go home and go to bed. Just let me go..." I whine as he reconnects our lips once again.

As we keep kissing, I keep pushing words out of my mouth trying to make him stop, but he's way larger than me. The make out goes on, until someone grabs a hold of him and yanks the stranger off me.

I collapse to the ground holding myself shaking from fear. I look ahead to see who helped me. Closey, I see none other than Lucas Friar himself beating the living shit out of the man.


"Don't you ever touch her again you skum bag!" Lucas yells.

*Punch again*

"But... But... She, she deserved it that little skank for having two men at once! Just... Just because I live a block... A block down doesn't mean I don't hear anything." the other man whimpers.

Lucas gives him the most chilling glare and punches the man once more, knocking him out cold. Once Lucas finishes the job he comes over to me.

"Need some help damsel?" he asked, reaching his hand out for me to to take.

Is it just me, or does this situation remind you way too much of when Finn rescued me from Peter that day in the janitors closet?

Anyway, I take Lucas's hand hesitantly. He pulls me up from the ground, having me fall into his chest.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I guess I couldn't find my balance there." I practically whisper.

"It's all good short stack. Now, will you tell me what happened?" Lucas questioned.

"Before we get to that, I need to know why on Earth you would be in this part of town this late at night?" I replied.

"Well, I was actually on my way to check on you. You seem a little better since Finn got home, but I can still see something is wrong. And judging from what I just saw, something is definitely wrong. What did that guy mean when he said you are with two guys?" Lucas finished.

"Hold on, let's answer your first question first, I was walking home when that man came up and pushed against the wall forcing me to kiss. Until you came along assisting me."

"Now for the second answer." Lucas says.

"I was talking to my mom one day when she was home and told her about Finn and you. I guess word got out, but you know how drama goes. It can get twisted anyway anyone wants it to, so I imagine someone lied saying I was with both of you at the same time." I say back.

"One more question, which is actually why I came. Are you officially with him?" Lucas asks, impatient for the answer yet never wanting it to come.


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