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Maya's POV

I was thinking about what Finn said a couple days ago and thought back to all the moments Lucas stared at the back of my head. Or casually glanced over at me instead of Riley. When I realized all this, I immediately called Riley. She's my best friend, practically my sister. I told her everything and she understood. I was surprised to see how relaxed she seemed about it! I mean, she made it seem like she was obsessed with Lucas. Then too find out your boyfriend loves your best friend, wow.


After school ended, Finn came up to me. "Hey M. I herd about Lucas and Riley... I'm sorry, I herd he almost kicked over a student!"

"Half of that is true. And yes, I think they did break up."

"I know this may be a bad time, but I was wondering if you enjoy going on another date with me? I just think the last one when so well..."

"Ok, but I can't promise you I'll be able to stay the whole time. You know Riley." I whisper.


We decided to go see a movie. It was awesome! I forgot the name, but the acting was incredible!

On our way home we thought it would be fun to listen to some music.

Ugg! Its snowing worse than I've ever seen! Almost all the roads are clear of cars because of it. It was not like this when we left for our date.

"My house" came on, and of course we had to listen to it! We rocked and rolled. Then, all the sudden, we hit some black ice.

"Finn!!!" I shout. We spun until I could barley see where we were.

"Maya, calm down! Its going to be..." We hit something and I passed out.


Lucas's POV

My phone started ringing, the caller ID was Farkle's. "Dude, it's past midnight. Why are you calling?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

He sniffled, "So you didn't hear yet..."

"Farkle," I sat up, now he has me extremely worried, "What happened?"

"Um... Well, Maya and Finn were coming back from the movies and, a, the snow, and the ice, and the roads..." He just kept bumbling on and on.

"Please, what happened?"

"There was a car accident. Maya's..." I hung up, not wanting to hear the rest.

I shot out of bed and quickly got a jacket and made a note for my mom telling where I was. The hen I stormed to the hospital.

On the car ride there I started crying. Why did this have to happen to my blonde beauty? It could've been me! Why...

I finally got there and rushed in to find all of Maya's loved ones. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!?" I shouted walking over to Finn who looked almost fine, all he had was a couple cuts and bruises.

"We hit some ice and the car swerved. I tried to help her, but she... Didn't have a seatbelt on. So her body flew through the window... Now she's in surgery." He explained to me.


Three hours had passed and still no news about Maya. Riley, Farkle, Katy, Mr. Matthews, Mrs. Matthews, Finn, Peter, and I were all there.

Finally we got the news that Maya survived the surgery.

"Oh thank god." I sighed in relief.

First the Matthews family went to see her including Farkle. Once they came back Farkle looked at me and nodded. I nodded back and took another sigh.

Lastly Peter, Finn, and I went in. She looked as bad as I imaged. As pale as a corpse, harsh circles under her eyes, and a cuts all over from the glass she went through. Plus a gigantic bandage on her left leg from the broken glass. With all these injuries, she had a ride in her arm and one up her nose for easy breathing.

"I know, I look like a dead man walking." She claimed.

"No, actually!" I assured her, "You look like a... Well..."

"Like a human being." Finn finished for me. Maya and him starred laughing. I just glared.

"Why are you all still here?" She asked all three of us.

"I still want to be with you!" Peter blurted out.

All of the sudden Finn fell to the ground with a big thud.

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