S L A V E ~ 16

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The evenings seemed to past ever so carelessly and even more tiresome than the last.

As I walked through the royal house, I surprisingly managed to stay out of everyones way and get things done on time for the royal dinner without any interruptions or mishaps . It was now around evening time and the guests had already started to file in so carelessly scorning as they laid eyes on me. As per usual, I did not allow that bother me, I continued to do my work and remained silent .

"You, take my coat" I heard a woman say as I looked up. I slightly slanted my lips because of the manner in which the words left her mouth in disgust but I followed her command, of course — and left the main entrance to the back so that I could put everything I used to clean, in the storage. Instead of walking the path in which I came, I decided to walk the other way which was longer because I dreaded events like these. I hated it when there were dinners or ball room events because it all consisted of people who has a strong dislike for people of my color and it reminded me how close the Royal Wedding is. With a slight frown, I wrapped my arms around my body as I walked and subconsciously quickened my pace, looking down.

I immediately regretted that, when I felt a body collide with mine. I lost my balance for a bit, but managed to hold onto the wall for support so that I did not fall to the grass. When I looked up at the person I had collided with, It was none other than Prince Justin and I was confused as to why he was coming from the secret passage way from his room.

"I didn't see you there. Apologies" He reached out to touch me, but I merely took a step back, "Its fine" I replied.

"Is something wrong?" He raised his eyebrows with a questioning look, I bit down on my lower lip and shook my head, "I-I have to get back to work, master"

"Master?" He raised his eyebrows, then moved to stand in front of me as I tried to walked around him. I sighed and looked down.

I then felt his cold fingertips against my skin, the hair on my arm standing tall as the chills ran up my spine — causing me to take a deep, shaky breath.

"Please, stop" I muttered, my voice barely audible, but I am sure he heard me because the expression on his face changed into a frown, "why are you acting like this?" He demanded of me, holding my arm in his grip, "I-I don't – I'm just – this is ..." I fumbled over my words as I tried to search my brain for the right thing to say, "your fiancé is waiting for you" I managed to get out.

"Are you going to give me a kiss?" He asked in a whisper. I bit down on my tongue as I stared at him for awhile, before slowly shaking my head 'no' even though deep inside I really wanted to say yes...

Unexpectedly, the prince pulled me closer as his grip tightened, causing me to wince.

"You're upsetting me" he mumbled with his frown still shaping his eyebrows. I do not know what came over me, but I suddenly found the strength under his intimidation and I slightly managed to remove myself from his grip, "I have to get back to work" I repeated my statement from earlier with a small frown. This time, as I walked away, he did not stop me — but by the expression on his face, I knew that he was confused.

     As the days go by, my feelings for Justin are getting stronger by the minute and I know for a fact that nothing can ever happen ... it will never be how I want. Never; and I cannot afford to let myself carelessly develop such deep feelings for someone who I will never get to be with physically or have his love emotionally. He is getting married and I'm just a slave that means nothing to no one, especially the prince.

I shook my head at the thought as a voice in the back of my head said, "you're already in love with him" . I took a deep shaky breath once more and closed my eyes for a split second to stop the tears from falling. I need to forget this, I told myself. But I knew it was a lie, I knew I could not forget this — this feeling that tears me apart inside. Even so, it was best. It was best to constantly lie to myself and pretend that everything was okay, because at the end of the day, this is my reality and my feelings for the Prince is just a mere fantasy.

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