S L A V E ~ 6

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I awoke at the crack of dawn, which approached too soon.
It wasn't very comforting having to untangle myself from my bed sheets so early in the morning but it had become something that I have grown accustomed to.

Lazily, I sat up in my bed with a sulk in my shoulders. I have not been here long, but I felt so worn out. I haven't eaten a good meal since the day I left the organization and whenever I work, I could feel the effect that it has on my body. I groaned softly as I raised my hand to my head - slightly rubbing my temple in attempt to ease the throbbing headache that ensued. Regardless of the pain I felt, I rose from my bed and entered the restroom, though not before I glanced at Celeste to see that she was still in her slumber.

As usual, it did not take me long to tidy myself and get dressed in my uniform.When I exited the restroom, Celeste was sitting up on her bed fiddling with her fingers. "Good Morning" I said with a soft smile when she noticed my presence, "How are you awake so early? Are you not tired?" She asked as her head tilted to the side,"Yes, but I have so much to do today. Waking up early is something that I'm used to" I slightly shrugged. Celeste pursed her lips, "Most people — well, slaves, savour all the sleep they can get because this lifestyle is very tiring". I sighed with a nod and sat at the edge of the bed.

".. And by the looks of it, you are already worn out" she observed. Shaking my head, I bit down on my lower lip, "I just haven't eaten since I got here, I think that is why I seem so worn out",

"I know you are new here, and this is only your second day but you need to pace yourself. Even though they don't care about our well being, we have to care for ourselves. I have known many slaves that has come and passed within a week of being here, you do not want that to happen to you" she frowned with an unreadable expression on her face.

I took a deep breath, "It is quite hard to even drink water when you are needed to do so many things, knowing that you will get punished if the deed is not done" I stated, "I agree with you. I do, but it is hard when having a million and ten things to do"

Celeste sighed and stood from her bed, "We have to cater for the tea party today, guests will probably start arriving in the afternoon". I nodded, "I will go and set the table-"
"I will set the table, Catalina. Just, take things a bit easy today for I cannot have you fainting in front of everyone"

Tilting my head to the side, I merely frowned. "You look pale" she stated before I asked what she had meant by her statement. I simply nodded and she disappeared into the restroom.

I then got up and exited our room - I headed towards the house, walking past the garden and admiring how beautiful the flowers looked, so delicate and pure. My mother used to tell me the different meanings of each flower and what their color represents, she basically taught me most things about life. Even though I was at such a tender age, I could still see how she molded me into the person I am today. I could still have a perfect picture in my mind of her as if it was just yesterday. She had such a beautiful heart and I, — I will forever be grateful for the person that she was.

When I completely entered the household of the royals, most of the lights were turned off. That was expected seeming as it was still very early in the morning. I then headed straight for the kitchen so that I could possibly get a drink of water and do anything that needs to be done. As I walked closer towards the kitchen, I noticed that there were dim lights that shone just enough for someone to see. The closer I approached, I could hear the shuffling of someone - which meant that I was not the only person awake.
Celeste had crossed my mind, but I had left her in the room. With a small frown, I hesitated to walk any further and stopped in my tracks. It wasn't long before I heard a familiar voice say, "who's there?" , I gulped. I froze. Placing my hand on my head, I could feel my heart beating faster as I started to become nervous. I clenched my jaws and sighed as I took a few steps forward into the direction of the kitchen opening so that I was in view, and so was Justin.

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