3. Flynn

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Remember, the gifs aren't of the characters in their exact age. It's just who I had portray them most of the time.

Chapter 3: Flynn

       "How many times are you going to keep whining?" Logan asked me

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"How many times are you going to keep whining?" Logan asked me. Infinity and Lilly went shopping in the village, so I was alone with nobody to hang out with me. Logan got too annoyed by me and Jake wasn't even staying in the same suite as us.

"As many times as I can until my girlfriend comes back," I said. "I'm booooooored."

"I can see that," Logan said. "How about you go find Jake play Minecraft with him."

I rolled my eyes. "I wish. He's probably with Taylor right now. So I'm still booooooored. And hungry. Do you have any food?"

"There's food in the fridge," Logan pointed out.

"That's boring food," I said. "I need chocolate or....or chocolate."

"I actually have some chocolate bars in my backpack sitting right beside the couch," Logan said. "I would get it, but I can't reach."

"So lazy," I said. "That's supposed to be my thing." I got up from my spot on the floor anyway and went to Logan's backpack. I opened it and dug to find a chocolate bar I wanted, but I came across something very interesting. "Ooh, I wonder what this is?"

"What?" Logan asked, looking over. I took it out of the bag and he just stared at that. "Oh, that. It's, uh...."

I opened it and looked inside. "Ooh, that's pretty. I wonder what who it's for. Wink wink."

"Did you just say wink wink?" Logan asked.

"I did, and don't change the subject," I said.

"I'm not changing the subject," Logan said. "I was just asking if you said wink wink. So, what did you get Lilly for Christmas?"

"I'm not telling you because you're changing the subject," I said. "So, is this Infinity's Christmas present?" Logan just shrugged. "What do you mean you don't know?"

"Because I've had that for months," he said.

"Let me get this straight," I said. "You have that engagement ring for months and you haven't proposed to my sister yet. Why?"

Logan shrugged. "Because it never seems like the right time."

"Or you're afraid that she'll say no," I said. Logan was silent. "Come on, you two love each other so much and you've been through so much together. She literally talks about you all the time at him. I'm serious. It's always Logan this, and Logan that. It's sickening."

Logan got up from the couch and took the ring box out of my hand. "Look, when the time is right, I'll do it. Until then, you didn't see a single thing."

I raised my hands in the defense position. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Good," Logan said and put the box back in his bag. He took out a chocolate bar and handed it to me before grabbing one for himself and closing his bag.

"So, how about proposing to her on Christmas?" I suggested.

"I'm not talking about this with you," Logan said as he sat back on the couch.

"But we will be brother-in-laws," I said.

"Seriously, I'm not talking about it anymore," Logan said, right as the door opened.

"Talking about what?" Lilly said.

"You know, manly stuff," I said. "Cars exploding and other....manly things."

"Right," Lilly said. "And why don't I believe you?"

"Just drop it, Lilly," Infinity said. "He wouldn't have lied if he wanted us to know about it."

"Thank you, dear sister who wants to have Logan's babies," I said.

Infinity sighed as she walked over to the couch and sat beside Logan. "At eighteen, you are still as annoying as ever. I pity anyone who would ever want to date you."

"Hey!" Lilly said.

"Oh, right," Infinity said. "My best friend is dating my younger brother. I keep forgetting because it's unfathomable."

Logan snorted. "Fin, come on. We all saw it coming, even you. You're just a stubborn little cutie."

Infinity pouted and crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm not stubborn," she said.

"You kind of are," Logan said, wrapping his arm around Infinity's shoulder. "It's okay, I still love you."

"Welp, I'm bored," I said. "Lilly, let's go do something in the lobby."

"Sure," Lilly said, so we left the suite and went down to the lobby.

I spotted Jake sitting with Taylor, Taylor's son Newt, and Taylor's best friend, Munro. I knew Munro was an actor and I've seen him in the movie that started his career.

They looked quite amused, so Lilly and I walked over. "So, what are you up to?" I asked.

"I challenged Cannon Venturi to get my little brother, Nick, irritated," Munro said. "It's not going well for Cannon."

"His brother is impossible to irritate," Taylor said. "It's quite funny because Cannon is the one getting irritated."

"Ooh, I bet I can get him irritated," I said.

"No way," Jake said. "I've been watching this the whole time. Cannon is even more annoying than we are."

"That annoying?" I asked.

Jake nodded. "Yeah. So far, he has flirted with Nick's girlfriend, bumped into him numerous of times, threw a pillow at him, spilled hot chocolate on him, and spilled hot chocolate on his sketchbook and Nick loves his sketchbook. He doesn't even look the slightest bit annoyed. Anyway, Munro, this is my best friend Flynn and his girlfriend Lilly. Flynn and Lilly, this is Taylor's best friend, Munro."

"So, Munro, are you sure your brother doesn't get irritated?" I asked.

"I'm sure," Munro said. "One time when we were going to Hawaii for a vacation, Nick's girlfriend told me that this little kid was kicking his seat and all Nick told the kid was to kick a little lower because he had a back pain and it was like a chair message."

"Yeah, he sounds unbreakable," I said.


Ooh, Logan, you rapscallion. ;) Think he'll go through with it?

Ugh, it's so hard deciding who will be the next point of view because I have so many ideas for this. cx Some people might even get more than one chapter. I don't even know how long the book will be.

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