|cover by FlowerOfCamelis|
Nothing says Christmas like spending the winter holidays with people you love. Or hate. Maybe you see someone you never wanted to see again. Maybe you make new friends. Who knows what this winter holds?
This is...
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"Hunter, stop having that look on your face," I said. "You're going to be fine as long as you rest your voice. The doctor said it wasn't anything serious, just a sore throat."
"Yeah," Annalise said. "Look on the bright side. At least it's not vocal nodules."
"She's right, it could have been worse," I said. "I'm sure if you keep resting your voice like you have for the past week, you'll be able to sing in a matter of a few minutes. Besides, it's only one song."
"So, you," Annalise said, pointing a finger at Cannon, who held up his hands in defense as if he has done something wrong, "don't say a single thing to bug him and make him want to yell at you. This is an amazing opportunity for the both of you and if Hunter can't sing tonight, you're not singing either."
"What?" Cannon asked. "You're going to let all of our fans down even more if the two of us can't sing."
"Exactly," Annalise said. "So no bugging Hunter."
"Don't worry, I won't," Cannon said. "But by bug Hunter, does that mean I can't bring up that marvelous kiss we shared?"
Hunter glared at Cannon and I could tell he was trying hard not to yell at him to shut up.
"Yes, that does mean that you can't bring it up," Annalise said. "Although, I am still curious about it. How long was it? Did you enjoy it? Was there tongue?"
"Annalise!" Hunter said, and I elbowed his side.
"You're supposed to be quiet," I said.
"Then tell her not to talk about it," Hunter said. "I regret it and I would rather not go into detail."
"Right, the many, many details," Cannon said, wiggling his eyebrows."
I sighed. "You two, seriously. Leave him alone. I'm curious about it too but I'm going to ask him about it after his voice is better and he can yell at me."
"I don't see what the big deal is," Hunter said. "I kissed Cannon, whoop-de-doo."
"Stop talking and rest your voice," I said.
"Come on, he has barely said a word for a week," Cannon said. "I'm sure it's fine if he talks now. You're just being paranoid."
Well, Cannon probably was right about that, but I wasn't the only one worried about it. Hunter was really worried about it, I could tell by the look on his face.
"I know, but I think it will make Hunter feel better if he doesn't talk at all," I said. "To give him even more reassurance." I then turned so I was fully facing Hunter. "You are going to do amazing tonight. I know your voice is fine now and you have nothing to worry about. It's like the doctor said. It's just a sore throat and it's probably gone by now. I don't think they even last a week."
Hunter sighed and nodded. "I know, I'm just...."
"Worried because it's Time Square?" I asked. "And you've been dreaming about performing here for years, even before you decided that you wanted to be a performer?" Hunter nodded. "I know, but I promise you'll do fine. And if your throat starts feeling sore during the song, which I really don't think will happen, just give Cannon a sign and he can take your part or something and you just join in at the end."
"Right, okay," Hunter said. "What sign?"
"You can wink at me," Cannon said. "Or blow me a kiss. Or even better, kiss me again because I know you enjoyed that."
Hunter sighed yet again. He was always sighing around Cannon and I didn't blame him. "I'm never going to live this down."
"Nope," Cannon said with smile. "I'm even going to be telling my kids and your kids that."
"Great," Hunter said sarcastically.
"Okay, for the sign, just nod in Cannon's direction," Annalise said. "He'll nod back if he got it. There, simple."
"Fine," Cannon said. "I was kind of hoping he would kiss me again...."
"Stop it," Annalise said. "It was fine that he kissed you before because you were both single. But now, you're both married and it's not happening."
"You're such a downer, Lise," Cannon said. "You're breaking my heart, too."
Annalise rolled her eyes. "Whatever."
It wasn't long before Cannon and Hunter's time to perform came, so they went onto the stage to start performing. I had to admit, even though I was sure Hunter's voice was better, I was still worried that he would have to stop mid-song.
Thankfully, he didn't. He performed the best he could. In fact, it was the best I have ever seen him perform. I guessed resting his voice for a week gave him enough power to go all out without straining his voice.
When he got off the stage, I wrapped my arms around him. "I knew you could do it," I said. "Was there any strain?"
Hunter smiled. "Nope. None at all."
I smiled back and gave him a quick kiss. "That was amazing. I'm glad your voice is back to normal."
"Me too."
And that brings us to the end of the winter crossover. cx I wish I could have done everyone's POVs, but then this would still be going on when school starts again for me and I would be pushing it back.
There might be more crossovers in the future, but maybe with not so many characters. cx