8. Munro

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Chapter 8: Munro

       Today, Nick, Grayson, Laughlin, Taylor, and I were going skiing today for the first time

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       Today, Nick, Grayson, Laughlin, Taylor, and I were going skiing today for the first time. Well, Taylor has done it before because after he graduated from high school, he spent a lot of his time traveling the world. He has been to many different countries and tried a lot of activities we couldn't do in Miami.

       However, Taylor being skiing didn't stop me from feeling competitive inside. I had a feeling I could beat all of these people downhill.

       We rented out skis and ski poles from the winter sport shop in the village before heading towards the mountains. He first had to take a gondola up the mountain before arriving to the first hill we were allowed to ski down. There were a lot of different hills, ranging from different difficulties. It was probably best if we didn't go down a hill at the very top of the mountain.

       We were able to get into a gondola that fit all five of us and our skis. "So," I said. "How much do you guys want to bet I'll be first one down the hill."

       Taylor snorted. "Come on, I've actually been skiing before."

       "Well, I faked skiing for a movie before," I said. "I didn't actually go down a mountain, but I know the positions and how to ski."

       "You guys really need to stop betting on stupid things," Nick said. "Grayson lost twenty-dollars to his sister just because his kids couldn't annoy me."

       "How did you know about that?" Grayson asked.

       "Oh, because Ginny is really an evil mastermind and told me to act annoyed so we can get sixty-dollars," Nick said.

       Grayson sighed. "I should have known. You've been dating Ginny for over a year and a half so you should have been used to her annoying you."

       "Or the fact that nobody can annoy me," Nick said. "Except for my roommate's twin sister." He then shuddered. 

       I raised an eyebrow. "She must be horrible if she can annoy you. What did she do?"

       "A lot," Nick said. "For one thing, she's constantly saying Ginny is too young for me. She also once made it seem like Ginny cheated on me so I broke up with her...."

       "When did that happen?" Grayson interrupted.

       "Around March," Nick said. "But we figured things out not even ten minutes after I broke up with her. Ooh, and my roommate's sister also called Ginny a female dog a few times. And she's constantly trying to break up my roommate and his boyfriend. And she once paid someone to hit on Ginny during a Halloween party and told me Ginny was flirting so it would have looked like Ginny was, but thankfully my roommate nearly but the crap out of that guy before I got there. Oh, and...."

       "Okay, I get it," I said. "The girl did a lot. I can now see why you were annoyed. I would even be annoyed if someone did that to Kamille."

       "You would get annoyed if even a random guy asks Kamille what time it is," Nick said. "I don't even know how I'm related to you and Laughlin, you hot-heads."

       "At least I'm not as hot-headed as Grayson," I pointed out.

       "I'm not hot-headed," Grayson objected.

       "Old man."

       "Shut the hell up, devil spawn."

       "Right, totally not hot-headed," I said. "So, want to bet that I can beat you all down the hill."

       "You're on," Laughlin said. "Nobody can beat me."

       "Uh, I'll be able to," Grayson said. "I play skiing games all the time so I know how to balance."

       "Yeah, because skiing in a game and in real life is the same thing," Nick said.

       "It is, and I'll prove you right once I beat all of you down the hill," Grayson said.

       "No way, I'll be the first one," I said.

       Taylor snorted. "I guess we're all forgetting about the many, many times that I have been skiing before."

       "I'll beat you too," I said.

       Taylor sighed and rolled his eyes. "Alright, whatever you say. By the way, I'm only going down one time before heading back to the ski lodge. Apparently, I can't leave Newt with Jake for too long."

       "Why not?" I asked. "I thought Newt loves Jake."

       "He does," Taylor said. "But for some reason, Newt acts like a pest whenever Jake has to watch him. That little drama queen. I blame his mom."

       "You never told me who Newt's mom is," I said.

       Taylor winced. "Yeah, because of your reaction. It's Eva."

       I raised my eyebrows. "Eva? As if stupid drama queen bitch Eva from high school? The one that locked me in a closet during the school play so Keegan could take the lead? That Eva?"

       "Yeah," Taylor said slowly.

       "Huh," I said. "Well, I guess I understand why Newt can be such a drama queen."

       "Hey, only I can call my son a drama queen," Taylor said. "Even though he totally is."

       The gondola got to the part of the mountain where the first ski hill was, so we got off, then we had to take a ski lift to the top of the hill. Once we were there, we all put our skis on and got ready to go down the hill.

       "So, first one down wins," I said.

       "You should probably say first one down aside from me," Taylor said. "I don't care if you think you're going to win. I'm going to be first one down."

       "Okay, first one down, aside from Taylor, wins," I said. 

       "Alright, but we all know I'm going to win," Grayson said.

       I snorted. "Guess again, old man."

       "How about you fight me, devil spawn?"

       Taylor sighed and positioned himself to go down the hill. "Just to tell you, if any of you fall, it's going to be quite difficult to get back up. See you on the down side, losers." He then adjusted his skis so he started going down the hill.

       The rest of us lined up in a row. "Ready?" Laughlin said.

       On the count of three, the four of us began going down the hill. I started off in the lead and I really thought I was going to win, but I didn't.

       Stupid Nick did.

       "Woohoo!" Nick said, throwing his arms in the air once he stopped. "Who's the best? I am! Nick, Nick, Nick!"

       I punched his arm. "Shut up," I said.

       "You're just upset because you didn't win like you thought you would," Nick said, sticking out his tongue at me.

       "You cheated," I said.

       "Yes, I totally cheated even though I started point-five seconds after everyone," Nick said. "All I had to do was use physics to go down the hill. Acceleration, velocity, blah blah blah. Reason number fifty-seven why I am better than everyone."


Lol, when Nick gets arrogant, I love it. cx

I love how when I asked for idea, some people just said a name. That's not really an idea, just saying. cx

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