|cover by FlowerOfCamelis|
Nothing says Christmas like spending the winter holidays with people you love. Or hate. Maybe you see someone you never wanted to see again. Maybe you make new friends. Who knows what this winter holds?
This is...
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If I had to choose which one of my children were the most hyper, it was definitely Alan. I didn't know how many times I had to run around, trying to stop him from running and screaming, which he was doing right now.
Poppy took Orchid into the village today and normally, Alan ran around with Orchid, but I guess he still wanted to run around. Nolan was sitting at the table, coloring in his coloring book, and Ryder was in the middle of the kitchen, doing pirouettes because he told me he felt like it.
I was tempted to grab my headphones and put music on so I couldn't hear Alan, but then I wouldn't hear any of my kids if they needed my help or started crying like how I was on the inside.
Alan still wouldn't stop and I tried everything from offering him a cookie to putting on his favorite show. Eventually, he saw Ryder doing pirouettes and decided to try, but he only ended up falling and crying.
Nolan quickly got off of the chair and ran over to Alan, pulling him into a hug. "It's okay, Alan," he said. "Don't cry."
Would I be a horrible Dad if I just sat on the couch and let Alan cry it out?
I got up and walked over to Alan. He immediately threw his arms around me and continued crying.
Ryder huffed and stopped his pirouettes. "I was trying to go for a record," he said. "I can't concentrate. Thanks a lot, Dad."
"How is it my fault?" I asked.
"Uh, I'm pretty sure it takes two to make a baby," Ryder said.
"Oh my goodness, stop talking like you're a teenager," I said. "You're nine."
"Yeah, and I'm smarter than most teenagers," Ryder said.
At least I knew where he got his arrogance from. Totally Poppy. Definitely not me.
"Do you guys want to head downstairs and sit by the fire?" I asked. "We can also get some treats at the cafe there?"
"Okay!" Alan said, wiping the tears from his eyes.
"What about you, Mr. Attitude?" I asked. "You want to come or act like a moody teenager and stay here by yourself?"
"Is that an option?" Ryder asked.
"No," I said. "You're coming with us."
The four of us headed downstairs to the lobby and Alan immediately asked if he could touch the fire. I was going to say sure so he could learn his lesson, but then if he got burnt, child services would probably get involved.
In the lobby, I saw Nick and Ginny sitting together and someone talking to them who looked quite irritated. It took me a while to recognize him but I soon did. Cannon Venturi, the singer and actor who was in the first movie Munro was in. I didn't want to watch it because Munro is a devil spawn, but Poppy made me.
The devil spawn was very talented, I'll admit.
Munro was sitting on a couch across from Nick, Ginny, and Cannon, an amused smile written across his face. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a ten-dollar bill, handing it to Ryder and telling him to go buy some cookies for him and his brothers.
I sat down beside Munro. "So, why do you look like you're trying to hold in a laugh?" I asked.
"Oh, because Cannon thinks he's really annoying, so I challenged him to irritate Nick," Munro said.
"Did someone say annoying?" someone nearby said. I looked over and saw Dax standing with his dog and who I was guessing was his son. "Because I am the most annoying person ever."
"I don't know, your brother is a lot more annoying," I said.
"Seb? No way," Dax said. "That's only because you two can't get along because of your arrogance. Trust me, I'm annoying as they come."
"Okay," Munro said. "Then I'm going to give you the same challenge I gave Cannon Venturi. Go annoy my little brother over there." Munro gestured to Nick, who wasn't looking the slightest bit annoyed. Cannon did as he walked away.
"Easy," Dax said. "Come on, Wilder, let's go annoy someone."
"Okay!" the little boy with Dax said.
When the walked away, Munro chuckled. "This is going to be fun."
"I bet my sons can annoy Nick," I said.
"Do you not know Nick?" Munro asked. "Nobody can annoy him."
"Do you not know my sons?" I asked.
"Fine, give it a try," Munro said.
Ryder soon came back with the cookies and the change. He gave me the money and I put it in my pocket while Ryder gave his brothers a cookie. "So, who wants to annoy someone?" I asked.
"Ooh, yes!" Alan said.
"Okay, go annoy Nick," I said.
"Let's go, Nolan!" Alan said, so the two of them also went to Nick and right now, it looked like Dax was getting no progress.
"What about you, Ryder?" I asked. "You're a pest."
"Yeah, to you," Ryder said. "I already know Nick won't get annoyed."
"Oh, come on, you know Alan and Nolan can annoy anyone," I said.
"Not Nick," Ryder said.
"They'll prove you wrong, dear son," I said.
No, Grayson. Just no. cx
Poor Nick, everyone's trying to get him annoyed. cx