|cover by FlowerOfCamelis|
Nothing says Christmas like spending the winter holidays with people you love. Or hate. Maybe you see someone you never wanted to see again. Maybe you make new friends. Who knows what this winter holds?
This is...
I don't care if the gif doesn't contain only Logan. It was the cutest one for him. cx
Chapter 16: Logan (omg he's such a cinnamon roll. <3)
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It was Christmas Eve and I was honestly very nervous for tomorrow. I didn't want to chicken out, but there was a chance I would. Like I did on her twenty-first birthday. And during the summer. And on our four-year anniversary. And on Thanksgiving.
I chickened out a lot.
"So, older brother," Jake said as we walked around the village with Newt as well. Apparently, Taylor wasn't feeling well, but I was sure that was just an excuse to get Jake to watch Newt so Newt can finally stop being a drama queen towards Jake.
"Are you going to do it?"
I sighed. "Why do you and Flynn keep asking me? And Lilly? Flynn told her too so she keeps asking me."
"Uh, obviously because we want you to do it."
"Yeah, I kind of figured that."
"So I think this time....I won't chicken out. I mean, hopefully. Lilly told me that she talked to Fin and Fin is waiting for me to propose, so I shouldn't be afraid of her saying no. I think Flynn even told their mom because she texted me and told me to go through with it otherwise she'll force Fin to dump me."
"Yeah. Tomorrow, though. You know, if Fin doesn't find the ring first. She almost went through my chocolate stash today, but I stopped her in time."
"So where's the ring now?"
I placed my hands in the pockets of my jeans. "Right in my...." I stopped walking, trying to dig out the ring. "Pocket....Hold on...."
Why couldn't I find it?
I looked at Jake. "I think I lost it."
"You what?"
"I placed it in my pocket before we left the ski lodge. It's not in here."
"Did you check all your pockets?"
"Yes. It's not here." I sighed and rubbed my forehead. "I can't believe it fell out...."
Jake crouched down in front of Newt. "Alright, Newt, we're going to go on a mission. We need to find a ring, okay? You're closer to the ground so you need to keep a sharp eye out."
"Okay!" Newt said.
"Jake, how are we going to find it?" I asked. "There's snow on the ground we're outside. I don't know when it fell out and someone might have already picked it up. I don't have enough money to buy another ring right now and if I don't propose to her tomorrow, I'll just chicken out again afterwards."