10. Annalise

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Chapter 10: Annalise

       "Lise, pay attention to me," Cannon said as he laid across the couch and rested his head on my lap

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       "Lise, pay attention to me," Cannon said as he laid across the couch and rested his head on my lap. I raised an eyebrow and looked down at him, watching his bottom lip curl into a pout. "Everyone is so mean to me. Hunter called me an annoying bitch when all I did was told him he is looking hot today."

       I snorted. "You kind of are annoying. I don't even know why I like you."

       "You don't," Cannon said. "You love me."

       "Yeah, I don't even know why," I said. "You're are probably the most annoying person ever."

       Cannon frowned. "Obviously not because I wasn't even able to get Munro's younger brother irritated. My self-confidence is really low right now. I need someone to make me feel better. Someone hot. Someone extremely amazing."

       "Let me guess, you're talking about Hunter?" I asked.

       "What? No," Cannon said. "I mean, he is hot, but someone who's even more hot. Someone who has a wedding ring on her finger. Someone who is married to the world's most amazing person."

       I smiled. "Okay, so what do you want me to do to raise your self-confidence?"

       Cannon sighed. "I don't know. See? My self-confidence is so low that I don't even know what to do. I'm wounded, Lise. Nick hurt my feelings because I couldn't get him irritated."

       "If it makes you feel better, I was talking to Munro and it's rare to see him irritated," I said. "In fact, his girlfriend wasn't even able to. She just told him to pretend to get the money you guys bet on."

       "Well, as mad as I am that she and Nick lied, it makes me feel better that nobody was able to get him annoyed," Cannon said. "I'm still sad, though. I feel like crying. Boo hoo hoo."

       "If it's any consolation, you're getting me annoyed right now," I said.

       "That doesn't count," he said. "I always get you annoyed. Lise. Lise. Hey, Lise."

       I sighed. "What?"

       "Love me, please."

       Yeah, he was really starting to annoy me. I still remember when I was his biggest fan and when I first saw him in person, I almost died.

       And now, I sometimes didn't want to see him because he annoyed me too much.

       "You know what will make you feel better?" I asked. "Bugging Hunter."

       "That's way too easy," Cannon said. "I need a real challenge. Munro gets too annoyed too easily, so does Grayson, and Hunter and Violet and basically everyone I know."

       "Then isn't that a good thing?" I asked. "That you're able to annoy so many people so easily?"

       "Huh, I guess it is," Cannon said before sitting up and scooting closer to me. "So, can I annoy you now?"

       I groaned. "Please don't. I already have to deal with you every single day. I want to have a peaceful vacation for once without you bugging me."

       "Aww, but you're my wife," he said. "It's my duty as a husband to bug you."

       "It really isn't."

       "It is."

       "No, it isn't."

       "Baby, you know it is."

       I sighed and leaned my head against the back of the couch. "You're annoying me right now, so does that mean you can go bug someone else."

       "No way," Cannon said. "Because you are the one I really like bugging." He nuzzled his face in my neck and pressed a soft kiss on my skin. "I love you so much, Lise."

       I smiled softly. "I love you too, Kenny."

       Cannon pulled away and looked at me with a sour face. "Don't call me Kenny."

       "Why?" I asked, hoping I could annoy him just so he would stop annoying me. Well, for today at least. "Isn't that your name?"

       "Yes, but I prefer Cannon," he said.

       "Sure thing," I said. "Kenny."

       "Lise, seriously, stop."

       "Okay, okay," I said. "I'm sorry, Kenny."

       Cannon huffed and frowned as he crossed his arms over his chest. "I don't know why everyone is so mean to me. First Hunter calling me a bitch. And now you calling me Kenny. I cannot catch a break."

       I chuckled. "I'm pretty sure you've been mean to us more than we're being mean to you."

       "No way," Cannon said. "Hunter broke my heart and that was the meanest thing ever."

       "Aww, I'm so sorry that he broke your heart," I said, giving him a fake pout.

       "It's okay," Cannon said. "Well, kind of. Not really. He was my first true love but he just had to choose someone else over me."

       Hunter and Violet were walking by when Cannon said that, so Hunter stopped and made Violet stopped as well. "Would you ever stop talking about that?" Hunter asked. "It's getting really annoying."

       "Because I am annoying," Cannon said. "And stop being so mad about it."

       "I am because you keep bringing that up!" Hunter said. "You're married now. I'm married now. Stop bringing that up."

       "You always get so touchy about it," Cannon said. "Is it because of that kiss we shared?"

       At first, I thought Cannon was joking, but I was obviously wrong when Hunter's face turned red and he looked away.

       "No. Way," Violet said. "When did this happen?"

       "Never, it never happened," Hunter said.

       "Yeah, the colors in your cheeks say otherwise," Violet pointed out as she poked Hunter's cheek. "Come on, don't be so secretive. Tell me."

       Hunter sighed. "We were sixteen. It was a few days after you broke up with me. And I told someone not to bring it up again."

       "Hey, you kissed me first," Cannon said, holding his hands up in defense. "I just kissed you back. You are a very lucky girl, Violet. He's an awesome kisser."

       Hunter snorted. "Why do you always talk like this when you are married?"

       "I don't mind," I said. "He's talking about the past, not the present. It's not like he would do anything like that now."

       Cannon smiled at me. "Yes, because I love you too much."


I bet you guys didn't see that coming. cx YOU'RE WELCOME CANTER FANS. CANTER FOR LIFE.

Omg, I'm really missing Cannon and Hunter right now, so I'm happy I get to right this crossover. And at least they'll appear in the Major Vocal series at least once or twice.

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