19. Infinity

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Chapter 19: Infinity (again, I had to have Logan in the gif because Loganity)

Chapter 19: Infinity (again, I had to have Logan in the gif because Loganity)

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       The first thing I noticed Christmas morning was how....weird Logan was acting. He was a lot quieter than usual and it often looked like he was lost in thought. I tried asking him what was going on, but he just told me that he had no sleep last night.

       Jake walked into the suite the rest of us were staying in with Newt following. "I swear, this kid is evil," Jake said.

       "Yup!" Newt agreed.

       "Where's Taylor?" Flynn asked.

       "He's coming soon," Jake said. "He just went to open presents with his friends, but Newt was being a pest so I had to bring him here. Remind me why I thought it would be a good idea to date someone with an evil child."

       Newt just smiled and skipped around the suite.

       "So, Logan-poo," Flynn said.

       "Don't call me Logan-poo," Logan said.

       "Are you doing it?"

       "Shut up."

       "Doing what?" I asked.

       Logan sighed. "Nothing. I'm going to get some hot chocolate in the lounge. Want anything, Fin?"

       "No thanks, I'm good," I said. Logan then got up and left the suite. "Is it just me, or is Logan acting very weird today?"

       "Could be you," Lilly said. "I haven't noticed."

       "Yes, because you've been too busy making googly eyes to my brother," I said.

       "You can't get over it, can you?" Lilly asked.

       "No, it's weird," I said.

       "It's not weird," Lilly said. "There's nothing wrong with me dating someone three years younger than me. The boy doesn't always have to be the older one in a relationship."

       "No, it's not weird because you're older," I said. "It's weird because he's my brother and had a not-so secret crush on you and you would always turn him down."

       "Yeah? Well, get over it."

       I stood up from the couch. "I'm going to go see if Logan is okay. I don't like seeing him like this."

       "Infinity, I'm sure he's fine," Lilly said.

       "So, I'm the only noticing how he's acting weird?" I asked.

       "Wait. He's acting weird?" Flynn asked.

       I sighed. I couldn't be the only one noticing it. I was still going to go make sure he was okay, I didn't care if nobody else noticed it.

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