|cover by FlowerOfCamelis|
Nothing says Christmas like spending the winter holidays with people you love. Or hate. Maybe you see someone you never wanted to see again. Maybe you make new friends. Who knows what this winter holds?
This is...
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"Are you sure you're fine watching him?" Taylor asked. "He can be quite the handful."
"It will be fine," I said, pushing Taylor towards the door. "You worry too much. Just go Christmas shopping."
"If I'm not mistaken, it's like you want me to leave," Taylor said. "Alright, I'm leaving." He then turned to face Newt, who was laying on his stomach as he colored on a piece of paper. "Bye, Newt."
"Bye, Daddy!" Newt said.
"Thanks again for watching him," Taylor said to me. He kissed my cheek before leaving the suite.
As soon as the door closed, Newt threw a crayon at me. "Go away!" he told me.
I sighed and turned to face him. Newt never really liked me for some reason even though I watched him quite a few times when Taylor had work and I wasn't busy with school. I took him out for ice cream all the time and he still hated me.
I shook my head and walked over to the couch. I opened my laptop that was sitting on the coffee table and turned on Netflix, hoping Newt would just color the whole time and not make me watching him hard on me like he normally did.
However, not even five minutes later, I knew he was going to give me a hard time. "I'm hungry," he said as he stood up from the floor.
"What do you want to eat?" I asked, pausing the movie I was watching.
"Chocolate!" he said.
I sighed. "We don't have chocolate."
"I. Want. Chocolate," he said, jumping up and down at each word.
"Newt, we don't have chocolate," I said.
"Chocolate!" he said, close to screaming.
I sighed and rubbed my forehead before closing my laptop. He might not have chocolate, but I know someone who definitely has some. I stood up from the couch and walked over to Newt. "Okay, we'll go get some chocolate," I said.
"No," he said. "I want chocolate now."
"We don't have chocolate so we have to go out and get some," I said. "Please don't make this hard for me."
Newt just scowled and crossed his arms over his chest and sat down on the floor. Oh my word. What part of us going to get chocolate didn't he understand?
"Newt, you want chocolate, right?" I asked and he nodded. "My brother has some so we have to go see my brother to get it, okay?"