23. Seb

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Chapter 23: Seb

       "Are you feeling better?" I asked Dax, who was sitting on one of the chairs with Wilder on his lap as they watched a video on his phone

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       "Are you feeling better?" I asked Dax, who was sitting on one of the chairs with Wilder on his lap as they watched a video on his phone.

       "Nope. I don't know why you keep asking me. I haven't been taking my medication, so I doubt I would be feeling better."

       I sighed. He was right. I was just really wishing he would some how be feeling better. Too bad mental illnesses didn't work like that. You should never expect miracles, because this was reality.

       "I kind of feel bad," Bryson said, sitting up from his laying position on the floor. "I should have actually thought about coming here and not just randomly showing up. Then Isadora could have told me that you needed your medication and I could have stopped by to get it."

       "You shouldn't feel bad," Isadora said. "You didn't know you were going to end up here."

       "Besides, it's my fault anyway that I forgot my medication," Dax said. "I should have been more responsible."

       "Dax, don't beat yourself up," I said. "It's normal for someone to forget at least one thing when they're packing. I mean, I forgot to pack co--" Artie elbowed my side and glared at me. "What? I was going to say coloring books."

       "You and I both know that you weren't going to say coloring books," Artie said. I just shrugged and flashed her a smile.

       "You know, I feel a bit guilty too," Isadora said. "I packed mine and yours were still in the cupboard when I got mine. I could have packed it just in case."

       "It's not your fault, Isa," Dax said. "It's mine. That's that."

       "Look on the bright side, we'll be leaving soon," I said.

       "Yeah, in three days," Dax said. "That's not really a bright side. Now can we please stop talking about this? I'm not really in the mood for everyone to blame themselves for something I did."

       Wilder looked up at Dax, his eyebrows furrowed. "Don't be sad, Daddy. Be happy."

       Dax sighed. His son was too optimistic at times. "Wilder, I want to be happy, believe me. Let's just....Keep watching this movie, yeah?"

       "Okay," Wilder said before turning his attention back to the phone.

       Skittles soon trotted over to Dax and Wilder, his food bowl clenched between his teeth as he whined softly. 

       "I'll get him food!" Wilder said, hopping off of Dax's lap.

       "Okay, but the bag is empty, so you're going to have to get another one from the suitcase with Skittles's stuff," Dax said.

       "Okay!" Wilder said before going inside the bedroom. It took him a while to come out, but he soon did, dragging a bag of dog food since it must have been too heavy for him. He also had something enclosed in one of his hands.

       Wilder dropped the bag beside the food bowl and Bryson offered to open it up. While he did, Wilder looked at Dax. "Daddy, what's this?" he asked, showing Dax what was in his hand. "I found it in the suitcase."

       Dax quickly took it out of Wilder's hand and looked at it. "I don't believe it," he said.

       "What?" I asked.

       "It's my medication," Dax said. "I must have packed it with Skittles's stuff by mistake and didn't even think of looking there, or didn't see it when I got some of his stuff out. What time is it?"

       I looked at my phone and told him the time, so he quickly got up and went to the kitchen to take his medication. Luckily for him, it was around a time where he usually took his medication. It was going to take a few days or so for him to get back on track, but at least now, he might be able to make it through the rest of the vacation without any visual hallucinations.


Lol, I know it's short, but I'm trying to finish Winter Gatherings so I'm not putting it off forever and end up finishing it in the spring. cx

So no, not everyone is getting a chapter like I thought they would. In fact, the next chapter is the last one and it's for the series I felt needed the most closure with this crossover.

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