|cover by FlowerOfCamelis|
Nothing says Christmas like spending the winter holidays with people you love. Or hate. Maybe you see someone you never wanted to see again. Maybe you make new friends. Who knows what this winter holds?
This is...
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It was official.
I was never talking to Gemma ever again. I would probably break up with her too if it wasn't Christmas Eve.
I would probably break up with her the day after Christmas.
"Someone seems angry," Seb said as I was sitting on one of the couches in the lounge, most likely with a scowl on my face. "What did my sister do?"
"Everything," I said. "I'm breaking up with her the day after Christmas, that little bitch."
Seb sighed. "Okay, first off, do not call my sister a bitch."
"Why? She calls me that all the time. Don't favor her just because she's a girl, you sexist pig."
Seb rubbed his forehead. "Okay, please tell me why you are so angry with her now and why you're saying you're going to break up with her. You two love each other a lot."
"Not anymore."
"Then what did she do?"
"I'm not saying anything. Maybe she should fess up and tell you what she did to me."
"Wow, that sounds serious," Seb said. "Is everything okay?"
"Nope. I don't want to see her face ever again or hear her voice."
Gemma then came down the stairs, but all she did was glare at me before walking to get some food.
"Marcus, I can help," Seb said. "Just tell me what she did and I can see if there's any sense of fixing it."
"There isn't. I can never trust her again."
Gemma walked passed again, this time holding some hot chocolate. "I hope the cookie was worth it, bitch," I said.
"It was delicious," she said before heading up the stairs.
"Oh my god, you're fighting over a cookie?" Seb asked. "Seriously?"
"Not just any cookie. A red velvet cookie. The last one in the cafe. I bought it and she ate it, so I'm never talking to her ever again until she either buys me another cookie, or apologizes. And if she doesn't, then I am breaking up with her in two days."
Dax was walking by with Wilder at the time and stopped when he heard that. "Whoa, what?"
Seb sighed. "Gemma and Marcus are acting childish. They're in a fight just because Gemma at his cookie."
"Not just my cookie. The last one in the shop. I wanted that red velvet cookie, and that fucking jerk ate it."
"Mommy says fuck is a bad word," Wilder said.
"It totally is, but we don't care," Dax said.
"Marcus, just go talk to her," Seb said.
"No. I am staying here. I'm not even going back to the suite. I will be sleeping her tonight."
"You know what? I don't even care. Do what you want."
"I will."
After he walked away, Dax looked at me. "Seriously, though. You and Gemma overreact over everything. It's unhealthy."
"I don't care. I'm mad."
"I can see that."
"Can you tell her if she doesn't apologize or buy me another cookie, I'm breaking up with her in two days?"
Dax sighed. "Fine."
Shortly after he went upstairs, Gemma came down. "I'm sorry, you're what?" she asked.
"Good, he told you."
"So if I don't apologize or buy you another cookie, you're going to break up with me?"
"Yes, that's what I told him to say. You got two days. Well, technically one since today is almost over."
Gemma crossed her arms. "I'm not apologizing or buying you another cookie."
"That's perfectly fine," I said, standing up and walking over to her. "Because I want to break up anyway."
"Fine, because I want to break up too, you ungrateful bitch."
"Oh, says the girl who ate my cookie! That was the last one they had!"
"Get over it!"
"I am over it, because you are no longer my girlfriend!"
"Well, too bad I don't care because you're no longer my boyfriend."
"So, I hate to interrupt you two overreacting," Dax suddenly said. "But you're standing under the mistletoe, suckers."
I looked up and sighed. "Great, so I have to kiss my ex-girlfriend."
"Oh my god, you two are unbelievable," Dax said before walking off.
"I'm not kissing you, you bitch," Gemma said.
"Yeah? Because I'm kissing you." I then cupped her face in my hands and pressed my lips on hers. When I pulled away, I dropped my hands. "Enjoy that, because that is the last kiss you'll ever get from me, ex-girlfriend."
"Good, because I don't want another one, ex-boyfriend."
"Fuck yeah," I said before pulling her closer to me and pressing my lips on hers. Gemma wrapped her arms around my shoulder as she kissed me back passionately."
"Ugh, get a room!" Dax said. He always popped up whenever his siblings her kissing someone.....
Gemma pulled away from me and looked at Dax. "Go away, cockblocker."
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure nobody wants to see you making out in the lounge," Dax said. "Go make out in your suite, which I thankfully don't share with you."
"Ooh, let's take this to our suite, Marcus."
"Yes....You will buy me another cookie though, right?"
"It depends how good at kissing you are."
Omg, their relationship....cx They're so dramatic and I love it.