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"Holy Schiße! Zhis place is almost as awesome as me!" Gilbert laughed. I jumped onto his back, giggling as he caught me and spun us around.
"You guys are acting like newlyweds already." Alfred rolled his eyes, a small grin on his face.
"At least he's happy." Gilbert set me onto the counter and turned around to face me. He kissed my jaw and I kissed his forehead. Alfred groaned. "I'll leave you two to explore the place. Make sure you sign the papers on the dresser in the master bedroom."
"Mmmhm." The sound bubbled deep in Gilbert's throat as his hands wandered around my body.
"Alright. Ba bye." Alfred backed out of the house, rendered uncomfortable by me and Gilbert's affections.
"Now zhat ve're alone," Gilbert purred.
"Jeez. What's gotten into you." I purred back.
"I'm just excited." Gilbert ran his fingers through my hair, tangling them in the golden mass.
"Maybe we should check out he rest of the house."
"I vanna check out zhe rest of jou."
"I'm not fucking you on the counter."
"Awwwwww! Mattie!"
"I think we could find way better places in this house.~" I winked at him and he blushed.
"I see how jou made so much money as a prostitute." He tapped my chin. "Come on, climb on my back." He turned around and I wrapped my arms and legs around him. His skin was warm and I wanted to separate it from his clothes, but we had a house to look at.
"Shit Mattie! Look at zhat hot tub!" Gilbert nudged open the door to the back porch and gazed out at the view. A river slithered lazily below us. Trees stretched out for miles. It was breathtaking.
"We should set the hot tub up."
"It's almost January, Mattie." Gilbert set me onto my feet.
"You can run these things in the winter. I asked Al."
"Lets start it up, Zhen." Gil got on his knees and began flicking switches and dials.
"Let's take a look at the bedroom while we wait for it to warm up.~" I brushed my fingers against his arm. He spun around and kissed me, placing his hand in just the right part of my back to dip me. I let out hearty laugh, my body light and happier than I could ever remember.
"I want you.~" I braced one hand against his back to keep myself from falling while the other hand snuck into the back of his skinny jeans.
He lifted me bridal style and carried me into the house, finding the master bedroom and dropping me onto the bed. I let out a shaky breath, my entire body burning with desire.
"Just let me know if jou vant me to stop." Gilbert had one knee on either side of my thighs. His hands reached up to pin mine down. I bit my lip.
"I just want you to make your mark on me." I begged.
"Mattie, promise be I'll be zhe only one from now on."
"I promise."
Gilbert leaned down and lay his lips against my neck, kissing me in rapid motion. I squeezed his hands to keep myself from moaning.
"Jou can make noise."
"I don't care vhat all zhose ozher guys liked, Mattie. I'm not a client. I vant jou to feel free vizh me."
I nodded slowly.
He let go of my hands and set his palms against my cheeks. They were still chilled from outside.
"Gil." I panted.
He nipped my jaw playfully and I let out a shivering "mnh".
Gilbert slid his hands under my t-shirt, pulling it up enough for him to kiss the softness of my belly. His lips grazed over the scar left from my stab wound. It send an electric feeling over my body.
"Aaaah!" I let out a throaty moan which Gil responded to with a soft hum.
He worked my shirt off and threw it behind him. I unzipped his hoodie sliding my arms into it.
"Vhat are jou doing?" He giggled.
"It's so warm in here." I pulled him down onto me like a narcissistic, German blanket. "I could cuddle you all day."
"Do jou vant to stop?"
Gilbert sighed and started to pull away. I giggled, tugging him back to me.
"I'm just kidding, Gil."
He grinned and stripped out of his sweater and shirt so fast it made me dizzy.
"Somebody's eager.~"
"Just a bit. Ja."
I dropped my hand on the outside of his thigh, moving it up and down. I normally wasn't encouraged to touch my partners during sex. But with Gil, I wanted to be all hands.
I reached into his pants, feeling for his thick, hard cock.
"Haha whoa!" Gilbert's face turned bright red and I felt his manhood twitch beneath my fingers.
Gilbert kissed my lips, then my cheek, then bit my earlobe. I moaned as his fingers tugged at the curl in the front of my hair.
"Gil~" Butterflies took off in my stomach and flapped their delicate wings all through my body.
Gilbert licked his lips and started o inch off my pants and boxers.
He was finally going to see the part of me I wanted to give him so badly.
He kissed me all down my body, stopping at the base of my shaft. He licked it, testing its firmness against his tongue.
I grabbed handfuls of the blankets, moaning lewdly.
"Mattie," he whispered, grasping onto me and pressing my tip to his mouth.
"What?" I asked, breath rasping.
"It's a microphone."
"A what?"
"Never gonna give you up. Never gonna let you down. Never gonna turn around and hurt you." He sang into my foreskin.
"Gilbert Beilshmidt!" I scolded. "Never in my life-"
The two of us erupted into a fit of laughter.
"Okay. Let's keep going." He decided. He sucked on his fingers and then started licking and sucking my shaft. His fingers slipped into me, stretching my inner rim.
I let out pleasured pants and sighs to let him know that what he was doing was setting my manly bits on fire.
"G-Gil! I want you inside me!" I screamed. Gilbert released my cock before I could cum and positioned himself between my legs.
"I brought something." He whispered, reaching into the pocket of his jeans. He pulled out a condom and started to unwrap it as I worked his pants off his body.
His dick was warm and rock hard to the touch. I watched him roll the rubber over it, dressing it with safety.
"Vouldn't vant jou getting pregnant right now of all times." Gil explained as he teased my entrance with his latex coated tip. I spread my legs to let him slide in. He did so carefully.
"Come on!" I begged, moving my hips so he was in as deep as he could get. He started to trust, hands jerking off my member with skill.
"Birdie~" Gilbert heaved.
"Gil! I'm gunna cum!" I warned.
"Me too." I felt a jolt as he released his warmth into me. I squirted my load into his hand.
He slowly pulled out, moving downward to lick up my mess.
"I'm sure the hot tub is warmed up by now." I ran my hands through his hair.
"Vanna get in?"
He lifted me into his arms carefully so I wouldn't hurt and carried me out to the porch.
The cold air bit at my bare skin, but was soon replaced by the warmth of the tub water. Gilbert lowered me against the tub's floor and curled up at my side. I rested my head on his.
"How vas it?" He asked. "I haven't done zhat in so long so I might be rusty."
"Nobody's ever been that gentle with me."
"Not even Ivan?"
"Are you jealous of him?"
"Nein!" Gil said defensively.
"Well, it was our first time, so it was messy..." I took Gilbert's hand. "But I wouldn't leave you for him even if the sex was amazing."
"Danke, Vogëlchen."
"I love you, Gil."
"I love you too."

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