1 | 50/50 situation

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What happens when everything was perfect for a minute and suddenly, something totally unexpected happens? What happens if two cars collide together and the last thing you heard was an 'I love you'? What happens if for a moment, everything was perfect and then from one second to another.. A life was on the line?

"Where is she?!" She looked through the hospital. Everything was blurry and circled around in her head. She couldn't believe what just happened. The love of her life and her had a huge car crash, but she survived. Perrie survived. But Perrie had no idea where Jade was now or how her condition was. After they had the accident, the next thing Perrie could remember how she woke up in a hospital room and after the doctors checked her condition, all she wanted to do was to find Jade or to at least find out where she is, but no one could give her an answer.

So now she was running through the hallways to find a doctor who could tell her where Jade is, or Jade. "Where is she?!", Perrie asked the next doctor who was standing at the reception. Tears were streaming down Perrie's face and she knew if she wouldn't calm down soon, she might have a mental breakdown. But she didn't care. She wanted to find Jade, to find out how she was doing, because a life without Jade was no life at all and Perrie was scared. Scared to lose her. Scared about what the doctors might say. Scared, because now that they finally got the courage and became official, Perrie didn't want to be alone. She wouldn't be able to handle it. 

"Miss Edwards..", a doctor said from the other side of the room. Perrie quickly turned around and realized that it was the doctor that did her 'checkup' earlier. "You have to calm down, alright? I know this is hard, but-"

"No!", Perrie interrupted, "You have no idea, okay? I want to know where she is, how she's doing or at least something! I already asked at least five doctors here in this building and not even one of them could tell me where she is and I want answers!" With every sentence Perrie cried even more.

The doctor didn't know what to do anymore, so he just hugged her. He knew how bad Perrie was feeling, more than she knew. He lost his girlfriend last year because of a fire. 

Perrie hugged him back, even if it was weird for her at first. She needed comfort right now.

The doctor broke the hug, "We don't know anything at the moment, but you're not going to make it better by running around the hospital and harm your mental health, okay?"

Perrie nodded slowly, "I just want to know where she is..", the blonde whispered with a shaking voice.

"I know what it feels like.. So, I'll try and see if I can find something out for you, okay? Just stay here and wait."

Perrie nodded, "Thank you, Mr. ..?"

"You can call me Steve."

"Thank you, Steve.", Perrie said and smiled slightly. Just then Perrie realized that Leigh and Jesy didn't know about the accident and Perrie probably should've called them. The blonde took out her phone and dialed Leigh's number because she knew Jesy had her phone off. While Perrie told them what happened, she started to cry, but not until Leigh asked about Jade, Perrie started to cry real hard again. Leigh and Jesy promised they'd be on their way and they also told Perrie to calm down, even if they knew it wasn't as easy as it seemed. 

After good twenty minutes, Steve came back and told Perrie that Jade was in surgery right now and that it might take a few hours till she gets out.

"Great..", Perrie sighed sarcastically. 

"You can wait in her room 'till she gets out of surgery though. I'll show it to you.", Steve said politely.

"Okay.", Perrie mumbled and followed him until they arrived at Jade's soon-to-be hospital room.

"You can lay down on the bed, here's the bathroom if you want to refresh yourself and if you need anything, just call me." He pointed at the emergency phone. "My number is.. 5548. Don't worry, Miss Edwards.. Everything's going to be fine. Your girlfriend is in good hands."

Perrie smiled thankful.

"Could you do me a favor?", Perrie asked Steve. "A lot of press and paparazzi are probably going to be here any minute, I don't know how they always do it, but they'll be here and I'd be glad if you couldn't let anybody in, please."

"Of course.", Steve smiled before he left the room. 

Perrie let herself fall on the chair next to Jade's hospital bed. She slowly closed her eyes. Her eyes were red and puffy and she was so tired that even if she didn't want to fall asleep, she'd do it anyway. After a while she dozed off. 


"I love that."


"This.. You in my arms.. I could stay like this forever.", Jade admitted.

Perrie looked up into Jade's eyes, "Me too."

  They shared an innocent, but passionate kiss. The way it always made them feel like the first time, - whether it was a real kiss or just a peck on the lips, - it felt like fireworks were exploding in their stomach. Butterflies were flying around and it was just sparkles and rainbows, it was everything you'd imagine in a perfect world. It was their perfect world. And those moments.. Where you just share an innocent kiss, or stare at each other like you're two lovey-dovey idiots or when you're just cuddled up on the couch and even the silence sounds like everything good in this world.. Those moments were precious. They were perfect and nothing could destroy them. Nothing that would happen in the next five minutes would change that. 

"I love you."

"Jade.. Promise me one thing."


"Promise me that no matter what happens, we'll always be together."

"I promise."

"I love you too."


And from one second to another; Perrie woke up, her eyes were wet and she had headache. Seemed like she cried in sleep. She was dreaming of their last moment together before the crash and even if that moment was perfect, the following scenario destroyed everything. Singel tears streamed down Perrie's face. She knew something bad was going to happen, but she didn't know it was going to be so bad. Call it superstition or belief; Perrie knew that without that note, nothing would be perfect anymore and it's amazing how a little note can change your whole perspective of the world. 

"Miss Edwards?", a deep manly voice echoed in her head. She couldn't really think straight, but she knew that someone was here. So she stood up and closed her eyes one more time before she opened them again and looked over to the doctor. It wasn't Steve, so it must have been Jade's doctor.

"Yeah, that's me.", Perrie answered.

"Well; I think we should talk.", the doctor was serious, which frightened Perrie to death.

The blonde nodded slowly and sat down on the chair again.

"The surgery didn't go as planned. We tried everything and your girlfriend is a strong woman and we hope she's strong enough to overcome this."

"What do you mean?"

"She's in a coma, Miss Edwards. I'm so sorry to tell you that, but it's my job. It's a 50/50 situation. Miss Thirlwall could wake up, or she could-"

"Die.", Perrie finished while one tear streamed down her face. She couldn't believe what she just heard. Perrie really hoped this was just a sick dream and that she'd wake up soon, - but this was real and whether or not she liked it, Perrie would need to learn to be okay with it.

"I'm sorry.. Jade is really strong and whether she'll die or wake up, we don't know what the circumstances will be. It's in her hands whether she wants to give up or not.", The doctor said and left the room.

"She doesn't.", Perrie answered to herself.



So this is my first chapter of the sequel, next one will be better I promise (+ and much longer.) I know how this story will end, so I really hope you're excited. A lot will happen and you'll be surprised by who I'll bring back into the picture.. ;)

Jerrie // Say You Won't Let Go [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now