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"Oh my god.", Jade whispered while tears were forming in her eyes. "No, no, no..", the brunette whispered and felt on her knees. Perrie was laying on the floor, blood streaming out of her stomach. It looked like someone shot her. Tears were streaming down Jade's face. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. "Perrie.. Don't you dare..", Jade's voice break. She couldn't keep talking.

"It's her, isn't it?", Evan suddenly said. Jade looked over her shoulder just to see him standing there. What the hell was happening? "Your deepest fear. It's losing her, isn't it?"

"What do you think?", Jade snapped while turning her head back to Perrie. There was blood everywhere and she knew that she'd never  be able to get that image out of her head. "What are you doing here anyways?"

"I'm trying to help you.", he sighed. "I've been in a coma for five years already. I've been helping people to come back to live for five years already. Wanna know why? Because I can't accept my own fear. I want to help you, Jade."

"So what? Showing me my girlfriend, dead, is going to help me get back to life? This is sick.", Jade cried. 

"No.. Losing her is your deepest fear, Jade.", he sat down next to Jade, "My job is to show you that if you decide to live, it doesn't automatically means you'll be happy 'till you're dead for real. My job is to show you that it's possible that your deepest fear can become true."

"Okay, and.. What am I supposed to do now?"

"The question is: Do you want to live with your fear, or do you want to go and forget everything?", he asked and stood up. "It's your choice."

Forget everything? Jade wasn't sure what he meant, but the more she thought about it, the more she figured it out. Either, she'd live in a world where she could lose Perrie any minute, or she'd go and forget her, their relationship and everything that bonded her to the blonde beauty. It wasn't life or death. It was selfless or selfish. What Jade was going to choose was going to show who she was on the inside. And it was harder to choose than she thought.


Today would be the day 'I DON'T WANNA LIVE FOREVER' would officially come out. Zayn and Perrie wanted to keep it a secret and then publish it as a surprise. They spent a lot of time together the past week and they were often at the hospital. A few days ago while they were at the recording studio, some strange pictures from the funfair got published, including their kiss. But even the press stated that it was clear that Perrie wasn't a fan of the kiss, as shown on the pictures. Neither Zayn nor Perrie said something about it. For them, everything was clear, they were friends. Not more, not less and the press and the public didn't need an official statement from either one of them. And since the press didn't make a huge deal out of it, the fans stayed quiet. Perrie was really glad that there was no big drama before their duet.

Right now, Perrie was at home. Of course she missed Jade, but she tried to live without her. Perrie knew that's what Jade would want. Still, Perrie still couldn't sleep at night, which is why Zayn and her spent so much time together. She'd call him in the middle of the night and they'd watch movies or go out and eat something. Perrie didn't cry as much anymore, but that was only because she told herself that she needed to be strong, for Jade. Also, she promised her fans to be the Perrie they all loved. Perrie was really active on social media this past week, hinting there was a secret surprise that she was going to announce soon. The fans have been really patient and Perrie and Zayn couldn't wait to announce it. Since Zayn and Perrie wanted to announce it together, Perrie was waiting for him to show up. When he arrived, Perrie welcomed him with a hug and they sat down on the couch.

"Ready?", Perrie smirked.

"Yeah.", he laughed. 

They both took out their phones and went on Instagram. The cover was amazing and the shoot for it was pretty fun. Perrie and Zayn pranked the photographer, too. They had so much fun and Perrie was genuinely happy. And a big reason for that was the thought of Jade, to be honest. Perrie told herself that if Jade would be here, she'd be so happy for Zayn and Perrie and that she'd say that they both should enjoy it as much as they could. Even if Perrie was sure that if Jade would be awake, it would be Jade singing with Zayn instead of her. So this was a reason for her happiness too. Perrie wanted this to be perfect not only for her and Zayn, but for Jade too. Especially, because Perrie thought that she needed to do Jade justice with this. 

"So happy to announce that me and my brother-in-law @/zayn have a song coming out today! You can buy "I DON'T WANNA LIVE FOREVER" on iTunes now!! So happy, so excited, so grateful! Thank you, Zayn, for this possibility. And thank you for letting me put a little bit of myself into it. Love you, bro. ❤️ 🙈"

Zayn posted the same picture, but with a different caption, which was saying:

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Zayn posted the same picture, but with a different caption, which was saying:

"I feel so blessed to finally be able to collaborate with such an incredible artist! Thank you, @/perrieeele, for joining me on this. I love you, sister-in-law. This is a song we both hold close to our hearts. I DON'T WANNA LIVE FOREVER is now available on iTunes! One of my favorite songs I've ever written. Thank you. 🌘💦"

The fans went wild. Old Zerrie shipper were very happy, and other fans were really surprised and happy too. After all the hate Perrie got the last four years, she didn't expect to get a reaction like this from Zayn's fans. But she was glad. Mixers went wild and Perrie and Zayn were shocked as suddenly their song jumped on N. 1 after only fifteen minutes.

Perrie went on Twitter and tweeted:

"Well, that went fast. 🙈 Thank you so much! 💕 - Perrie <3"

Suddenly, she got a tweet back from Leigh-Anne which was saying:

"So, so proud! I love you, Pezza! Jade would be so proud.. Jesy and I knew this was going to be N. 1! Yeeeeeees! 💕"

Perrie smiled and turned off her phone. Zayn and her decided to celebrate.

"Leigh is right. She'd be so proud of you.", Zayn said with a slight smile.

Perrie nodded slowly, "I know. Thank you. It's just.. I would love to have her standing next to me, you know?"

Zayn nodded until all of sudden Perrie's phone started to ring. It was her mother's number. Panic started to spread in her stomach. Her mother wanted to stay with Jade in case something would happen, and Perrie was afraid that this day would be ruined. She slowly took her call and pressed her phone against her ear.

"Hello?", Perrie stuttered.

"Honey, you have to come to the hospital. Jade's awake."



Okay, I decided, that it'll only be 10 Chapter and so the next one is going to be the final chapter, BUT I'm writing a 3rd Book and I believe the 3rd Book is going to be the longest. I hope you're ready, Jerrie shipper. 

IMPORTANT: The Zerrie Cover for IDWLF if MINE and you can share it if you want, but CREDIT ME, please. Thank you.  ♥

Jerrie // Say You Won't Let Go [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now