10 | Not A Happy Ending

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(A/N: First of all, I wanna thank all of you who've stayed with me on this 2nd Book after my 1st Book! I really hope y'all will be back when I start the 3rd Book of this series. What I decided to do will be something that will be the center of the 3rd Book and I really hope y'all will be shocked af, hahaha. I'm kidding.. Half. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this Chapter and we'll see each other again in my 3rd Book "Jerrie // Falling Around You [Book 3]" Love youu!)


Jade, it's your choice, Jade thought to herself. Why is this so hard!? The brunette thought. She never thought it would be so hard to choose. Maybe it was because Evan explained her situation, but maybe it was because she was too selfish. Or too selfless. Or both.

Jade wanted to be with Perrie and only Perrie, but the thought of losing her destroyed her, which is why she'd choose to forget everything, because that's how she'd never feel the pain if something bad would happen to Perrie. But on the other hand.. The brunette loved the blonde beauty and even if she'd be dead, she wouldn't be able to live without her. If Jade could, she'd choose both. But was this even an option? Evan said either this or that. As far as Jade knew, she couldn't choose both. Jade was still where Evan left her and she was still staring at 'Perrie'.

"I wouldn't be able to handle it if something would happen to you..", Jade whispered. "But I can't live without you either." Jade took 'Perrie's' hand and squeezed it tight. Jade closed her eyes. She could at least try to choose both. "I.. I choose both!", Jade stuttered. She slowly opened her eyes and suddenly a white light was in front of her. "What the..", she mumbled. 

She looked down at 'Perrie', but she wasn't there anymore. After a while, Jade didn't even know who she was looking for, which is why she stood up and went to that white light. Jade's head started to hurt the more she got into the light, but when she did, it was like she woke up from a long, dark sleep.


Zayn nodded until all of sudden Perrie's phone started to ring. It was her mother's number. Panic started to spread in her stomach. Her mother wanted to stay with Jade in case something would happen, and Perrie was afraid that this day would be ruined. She slowly took her call and pressed her phone against her ear.

"Hello?", Perrie stuttered.

"Honey, you have to come to the hospital. Jade's awake."

Perrie's heart started to jump faster and faster and a huge, bright smile appeared on her lips. "I'll be there in five minutes."

"But Perrie, there's still something I should-", her mother tried to speak, but Perrie already cut her off.

"I'll be there in five minutes.", Perrie said and hung up. She looked over and started to jump up and down happily. "Best. Day. EVER!", she screamed happily and jumped into Zayn's arms. He had no idea what was going on, but if she was happy, he was happy too.

"What is it?", he now asked in laughter.

Perrie looked at him with sparkle in her eyes, "Jade's awake!"

A huge smile appeared on Zayn's face. They hugged each other again. Both of them were so relieved and this sure was the best day ever. A N. 1 song and Jade's out of coma. It couldn't get better. But, it could get worse..

After good ten minutes, Perrie and Zayn arrived at the hospital. Perrie was so happy, she almost fell out of the car 'cause she was too fast. Zayn and Perrie went inside the hospital and the first thing Perrie did was searching for Steve. A huge smile appeared on Perrie's face the moment she found him.

"Steve!", she called. He turned around and smiled back. Steve made his way to Perrie and welcomed her. "I just.. Wanted to thank you, for everything. You believed in me, in her and.. Thank you."

"It's my job, but Miss Edwards-"

"Perrie?", Zayn called. Perrie turned around.

"Your mum wants to talk to you!", he yelled from the other side of the room.

Perrie nodded and turned back to Steve, "Anyways, Thank you again. You're a hero."

And with that Perrie went to her mother. Perrie didn't notice how everyone was trying to tell her something. But that was because she was too happy. The love of her life was back and she couldn't wait to hold her in her arms again, to tell her how much she loved her and to kiss her. Gosh, Perrie really missed Jade's lips. The blonde never thought this day would come and now that this day was there, she couldn't be more happier. While Perrie made her way to her mother, she went on Twitter and tweeted something to her fans. She wanted them to know how happy she was.

"Life's Great. Life's Beautiful. So Happy. So Grateful. So Blessed. - Perrie <3"

"Mum? You wanted to talk to me?", Perrie asked the moment she saw her Mum sitting in front of Jade's room. "Can we go to Jade? She really has to catch up on some things."

"Actually.. We can't.", Perrie's mum suddenly said. Perrie furrowed her eyebrows.

"Why not? Mum, she's awake and healthy. I don't see a problem." There was nothing and no one who could destroy Perrie's mood. At least, that's what she thought. 

"Honey..", her mother started, "Yes.. She's awake and healthy, but there's something I need to tell you."

"What is going on?", Perrie and Zayn said in unison. He was standing next to Perrie the whole time. He wanted to be there for her if there were bad news.

"Jade's got amnesia. She doesn't remember anything. I'm sorry, Perrie. But she doesn't even know who you are, nor does she know who Zayn is. She doesn't know where she's coming from, what her full name is, what her-"

"Got it!", Perrie snapped. She tried to hold back the tears, but it wasn't easy. She sat down on one of the chairs.

"You alright?", Zayn carefully asked while sitting down next to her. She put her head on his shoulder and started to cry.

"We'll never get a happy ending, will we?" He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight while she cried and cried.

"She doesn't remember me.", Perrie whispered and in that moment, in that moment she really realized what that meant. Jade didn't know who Perrie was, nor what they experienced together. Their first kiss, their first time, their first meeting, their first date, their coming out. It was all gone. It was like someone grabbed Perrie's hope and smashed it on the wall. It was gone. It was all gone. She'd need to fight for Jade, again. It was like karma showed up and said "Hi!" for the time Perrie didn't appreciate Jade and her love and how she was willing to fight for her. It was her turn now. But will it work?

First a car crash, now amnesia. What happens next, I wonder.



I'll do an extra uptade about the 3rd Book as soon as I got the first chapter done :)


Jerrie // Say You Won't Let Go [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now