2 | three doors

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What would your perfect world look like? The beach, a building, your safe place? Who would be there with you? Your mum, sister or the love of your life? What do you think happens in a coma? Your half dead, half alive. What happens with your brain? We'll never know, but this is the way I see it. A mystery. 

"Perrie?", Jade asked. She had no idea what was happening. The last thing she remembered was the crash and now she was here in a dark, cold place. It seemed like a dream sequence. Jade could see different doors. A white one, a red one and a blue one. All Jade wanted to do was to be with Perrie, but she was nowhere to be seen. Jade sighed and looked over to the three doors. Maybe she should open them? Jade bit her lip. She wasn't sure. She didn't even know why she was here and why Perrie wasn't here. Suddenly, she could hear noises that were coming from one of the doors. Jade went up to the white door and slowly put her hand on the doorknob. She was afraid, after all, she had no idea what was behind that door and why there were three doors anyway. Jade slowly opened the door and furrowed her eyebrows as she saw the hallway of the hospital. She stepped in and looked through the room. The door shut itself, which made Jade jump a little bit. The brunette took a deep breath and went through the hallway.

"It's likely she'll never wake up." Jade suddenly heard a very familiar voice echo in her head, so she followed the voice until she stopped moving. Leigh, Jesy and.. Perrie. It was Perrie's voice that was so familiar. Why didn't she remember her voice right away? Jade quickly went over to them, but no one noticed her.

"Guys, I'm here. I'm fine.", Jade said with a smile. "Look! Everything's fine."

But no one noticed her. It was like she wasn't even there. Jade waved her hand in front of Perrie's face, but nothing. "Perrie?", Jade asked.

"Pez, everything's going to be fine.", Leigh said and gave Perrie a supportive look.

Perrie sighed, "I know. The doctor said it's her choice. She has to want it."

"I don't think Jade wants to die.", Jesy now said.

"Me?", Jade mumbled to herself. "Wait.. What the hell is going on?!"

Perrie shrugged her shoulders, "I believe the doctor said it so I wouldn't blame him for the failed surgery. It's their fault she might never wake up."

"No.", Leigh now said, "It's the driver's fault. He should've been more careful while driving."

"Maybe..", Perrie sighed, "That doesn't change the fact that Jade has a 50% chance of living. She could die.. I don't know what to do."

"Have hope. You know she'd want you to have hope.", Jesy said now.

"Exactly.", Jade whispered and softly touched Perrie's shoulder. Perrie flinched for a second and a confused look appeared on her face. Jade quickly took her hand away.

"Perrie, you okay?", Leigh asked.

Perrie nodded quickly, "Yeah.. I just.. I just thought someone touched me."

Jade had a painful look on her face. The news that she could die was indescribable. She didn't know what to do. A life without Perrie, was no life at all. But actually, Jade had no life at all anyway. The brunette started to play with her fingers.

"I don't want her to go.", Perrie's breaking voice brought Jade back to reality. She was too deep in thought. Jade needed to process everything she's just heard, but Perrie's voice brought her back everytime, especially when she knew Perrie wasn't feeling well. A singel tear streamed down the blondes face.

"I'm not going to.", Jade said. She had to find a way out.

"You can't decide that." A strange voice suddenly said. Jade quickly turned around and saw a man with blonde hair and blue eyes. 

Jerrie // Say You Won't Let Go [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now