8 | New Friendship II

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Around 1pm, Perrie and Zayn arrived at Perrie's apartment. They went inside and just talked about different things. The kiss wasn't awkward for either of them and it didn't really changed anything. It even made their friendship more real and more honest. Perrie was familiar with his lips and of course he wasn't feeling weird since he was in love with her. Perrie could handle his feelings, but she knew she wasn't going to get back together with him. Not in a romantice way anyway. They watched a movie or two and later on they ordered a pizza. They didn't really went out, they just stayed in Perrie's apartment and had fun. While Perrie was watching television, Zayn was writing something in his little notebook that he was carrying around all the time. After awhile Perrie looked over to Zayn and became curious.

"What are you doing?", Perrie simple asked.

"Eh.. Well, the label wants a new song and they want me to collaborate with a female artist. In case you wanna know, I already asked him about Little Mix and he didn't approve.", Zayn smiled. A slight smile appeared on Perrie's face.

"You wrote over forty-eight songs, why do they need a new one?"

"Well, 'cause this one is going to be the soundtrack of Fifty Shades Darker. I would sing it alone, but my label really wants a duet.", Zayn sighed.

Perrie held out her hand, "Let me take a look."

He slowly gave her his notebook and she started to read the first verse.

  "..Been sitting eyes wide open behind these four walls, hoping you'd call
It's just a cruel existence like there's no point hoping at all

Baby, baby, I feel crazy, up all night, all night and every day
Give me something, oh, but you say nothing
What is happening to me?.."

"It's really good, you naughty boy.", Perrie smirked. "But.. Why don't you have a refrain yet?"

"Well, first: Thank you. And.. I don't know, I just can't come up with something."

Perrie nodded while grabbing the pen out of Zayn's hand. She started to write and Zayn was watching her. He couldn't see what she was writing, but he was curious. After about five minutes, Perrie shove the notebook over to Zayn. "What do you think?"

  "..I don't wanna live forever, 'cause I know I'll be living in vain
And I don't wanna fit wherever
I just wanna keep calling your name until you come back home
I just wanna keep calling your name until you come back home
I just wanna keep calling your name until you come back home.." 

Zayn started to smile the minute he read it all. Suddenly an idea popped up in his head. "Perrie?"

Perrie's gaze swung over to Zayn. She continued watching TV while he was reading what she came up with. "Yeah?"

"Do you want to be my duet partner?"

Perrie's mouth fell slightly open. She was really surprised. They never sang a duet together before. At least, not one you'd promote and sell. She was thinking about it. Perrie wanted to do it, but she wasn't sure if it was the right thing. Jade was still not awake, Little Mix actually needed the promotion and Perrie actually never wanted to do something solo. But she also knew that Leigh and Jesy would understand and that this could be a possibility to write all of her feelings about Jade in a song. "Eh..", the blonde started, "I'd love to, but can I talk to Leigh and Jesy first?"

Zayn nodded with a smile before Perrie grabbed her phone and dialed Leigh's number. After a while, Leigh took the call. "Hey, best friend.", Leigh said.

This made Perrie smile instantly. She was afraid that things would be awkward between them now after what happened a few days ago. But she was glad that everything remained the same and they were still as close as they were before.

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