3 | "I promise."

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"So you really came..", Perrie said and sat down on the bench. Zayn and her went outside so they could talk. It actually was Leigh's idea. It took a lot to get Perrie out of Jade's room, but Leigh was right. They needed to talk and Perrie needed fresh air.

"Of course I did.", Zayn answered.

"Well, since I left four messages on your mailbox, I don't think you can say it's self-evident.", Perrie snapped. "Sorry..", she added right after. She didn't mean to sound rude, but she kinda was. She left four messages and now he was there. It was like he felt like he needed to come. 

"Why are we discussing this again? I'm here. That's what you wanted."

"Oh, no. That's what Jade would have wanted.", Perrie corrected.

Zayn sighed, "Look, I get that you're sad and angry right now and very, very depressed, but I'm here now so at least let me be there for you. She's not only your family."

Perrie took a deep breath and bit her bottom lip, "You're right.", the blonde sighed and put her head in her hands. "I'm sorry.."

"What did the doctors say?", Zayn now asked. He didn't want to talk about Jade and her right now. Zayn still wasn't over Perrie and he probably never will, also, he was there for Jade. He wanted to be a good friend to Perrie right now because it was obvious she needed someone who knew Jade as good as her. Jade was their first priority right now.

Perrie raised her head, "Well.. She has a 50% chance of surviving, but also a 50% chance of.. dying. The doctors say it's up to her whether she wants to die or not, but that's just a dumb excuse so they don't feel bad for failing her surgery. The thought of her being half dead, half alive is killing me, Zayn.. I don't know what to do. Why her? Why not me? I don't get it."

"Things happen for a reason.", Zayn whispered, "And I can assure you that Jade would want you to have hope. Whether it'd be 40% or 60%, it wouldn't make a difference. She'll survive, okay? She's a fighter. We both know that and deep down.. You know she's going to wake up."

"I don't doubt that."

"Then why are you so worried about this whole thing?"

"Because it's Jade.", Perrie said and her gaze swung over to Zayn. "It doesn't matter if it'd be a broken leg, a cold or a sickness.. It's Jade and that says it all."

Zayn just nodded. He didn't know what to say. You could see and hear how much Perrie loved her, probably even more than she ever loved him and he could see that. To see that broke his heart, but he was happy, too. Perrie was happy with Jade, which made him happy. Of course, he didn't like how things turned out, but both, Perrie and Jade, meant the world to him and to see that two such wonderful people have found each other made him happy.


"Okay, Jade.. Red or Blue.", the brunette mumbled to herself. "God, why is it so hard to pick a door, damn it.", she sighed.

She's been standing in front of the doors for at least twenty minutes already. She just couldn't pick one because she was afraid of what might be behind the door. "Let's just go with the blue one, it's Pez' favorite color after all.", Jade whispered to herself and opened the door. She could see the beach, the sunset and the sand. Jade stepped through the door. She didn't jump as hard as the last time the door suddenly disappeard. 

"Hey, you're back.", a familiar voice echoed again. Why was it so hard for Jade to recognize voices she's been hearing every day for the past months? Jade opened her eyes and saw her blonde beauty right in front of her.

"Perrie?", Jade asked confused, but happy at the same time.

"Ehh.. Duh. Or do you have another blonde darling waiting for you?", Perrie smirked. Jade quickly wrapped her arms around the blonde beauty and hugged her tight. Jade missed her.

Jerrie // Say You Won't Let Go [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now