7 | New Friendship I

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"Good Morning, Babe.", she said happily and kissed the blonde's cheek. Perrie scratched her hair. This was weird. Why was Jade standing in the kitchen and why wasn't Zayn here? This felt way too real to be a dream.

"What are you doing?", Perrie asked still very tired. She didn't have that much sleep.

"Breakfast!", Jade said with a smile. Everything seemed weird. Perrie noticed that the kitchen looked different and that Jade was wearing different clothes. Clothes, that she'd never wear.

Perrie sat down on the counter and watched Jade while she was making breakfast. "Babe.. When did you..?"

"What?", Jade asked.

"When did you wake up? I mean.. You were, well.. Kinda dead."

Jade turned to Perrie with a confused look on her face, "What do you mean I was kinda dead? Pez, did you have one of those dreams again? I told you they don't mean anything. They just feel waay too real. Don't worry about it.", the brunette said and took the blonde's hand.

Perrie could feel it. Jade's hand intertwined with hers. Perrie bit her bottom lip and tried to hold back the tears. She knew this wasn't real, but it was all she needed right now. She needed Jade now, even if it was in an alternative universe. "Can I talk to you.. About.. About those dreams?"

Jade slowly nodded, "Of course, darling.", the brunette said and stroke a strand of hair softly out of Perrie's hair. Perrie just loved how she could feel every touch, like it was reality. She didn't want to wake up.

"Uh.. Well, we had an accident. It was right after an Award Show and we were super happy, but the driver didn't drive correctly and then we had an accident. You were in a coma and I saw how my life would be without you and I promise you it was the worst thing ever. - I just want to tell you that in that moment I realized how much I love and need you and that you needed to come back to me, no matter how, no matter when. I was so scared, and I still am, of the thought of losing you. I can't live without you, Jade. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't and it kills me every day to know that you might never wake up.." While Perrie said that, she didn't realize that she was talking in presence again. Tears were streaming down her face and she could feel how Jade wrapped her arms around her and held her tight.


And that was it. The dream was over and she opened her eyes slowly. A singel tear streamed down her face as she saw Zayn next to her and not Jade. Perrie hated the fact that it was only a dream. But it wouldn't have hurt so much if the dream wouldn't have felt so real. Perrie quickly wipped her tear away. Zayn was still sleeping. No wonder, 'cause it was just 8am and they fell asleep around 5am. That dream literally kicked Perrie out of her sleep. Perrie decided to make breakfast for her and Zayn. She needed that kind of distraction now. After an half hour, a certain person came through the kitchen door.

"Morning.", Zayn smiled.

"Hey.", Perrie said and smiled slightly.

Zayn sighed, "What happened?"


"I know you, Perrie. So, what happened?", Zayn asked again softly. 

Perrie sighed and bit her lip. She then turned around to Zayn. "Did you ever had a dream that felt so real, you didn't want to wake up? Like it was better than the reality?"

Zayn nodded, "Yeah. Almost every night. You can't control it, Perrie. You dream about the things you want the most, love the most, or hurt you the most. I know that.. people say you can control your dream, but you can't. Your mind decides it. I know that's probably not the answer you wanted, but that's the only one I can give you."

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