6 | straight to hell

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Perrie read a few comments as suddenly the doorbell rang. She quickly got back inside and went to the front door. It was like 4am in the morning and she didn't invite anyone. Though, only her family, the girls, a few friends and Zayn knew where she lived. So it definitely wasn't a stalker or creepy fan or something. Perrie rubbed her eyes before opening the door. Her eyes widened as she saw Zayn in front of her. In one hand, he was holding ice-cream and in the other hand, he was holding a movie, but Perrie couldn't really figure out which one it was. Zayn had a slight smile on his face while Perrie looked at him with a confused look.

"Zayn? It's four o'clock in the morning.", Perrie said. She wasn't mad that he came, she just wanted to know why. He didn't do these kind of things often. But people change, so who knows.

Zayn sighed, "Well.. I couldn't sleep and after I watched your little video, I figured you couldn't either. So I grabbed one of your favorite movies out of my shelve, drove to a gas station, bought ice-cream and drove to your apartment. I just don't want you to be alone tonight."

"Which flavor is it?", Perrie asked with a slight smirk.

Zayn laughed a little, "Chocolate. Your favorite."

Perrie nodded with a bright smile and let him in. "How did you pick one of my favorite movies if I don't really have a favorite movie?"

Zayn looked over his shoulder while they went into the living room, "Well.. Since I know you love romantic movies, comedy movies, action movies.. All types of movies, I figured I just pick one you used to watch whenever I was on Tour with the guys."

They sat down on the couch. "So.. You're saying that you literally brought the one movie you don't like just because of me?", Perrie smiled.

Zayn nodded, "Yes. It's Perks Of Being A Wallflower time."

Perrie clapped happily in her hands while smiling from ear to ear. Zayn went to the DVD-Player and put the film on. "Why don't you like the movie anyway?", Perrie asked as he sat back next to her.

"I don't know. It's just so depressing."

"But it's lovely, too. The movie has a great story, great actors and a great meaning behind all of it. The movie is great, just watch it.", Perrie explained while she leaned against the wall.

"I did. About 1,000 times.", Zayn joked which made Perrie laugh. He handed her the ice-cream and went to the kitchen to get her a spoon. 

"Thank you.", Perrie said with a slight smile while taking the spoon. It didn't even took her a minute to smash the spoon into the bucket of ice-cream. She started eating the ice-cream and Zayn just stared at her. He smirked at how cute she was in her sweater, - which belonged to Jade, he knew that because he once saw her wearing it, - and her sweatpants. She may be a mess, but she's a beautiful mess.

"Why are you looking at me like that?", Perrie asked. Her mouth was full of ice-cream, which is why Zayn started to laugh the moment she started to talk. He just couldn't take her serious now.

"It's.. It's nothing.", he laughed.

Perrie slightly hit his shoulder, "Tell me!", she yelled like a little baby.

"Okay, okay!", Zayn laughed. "I just think you look really cute while eating your bucket of ice-cream."

Perrie blushed slightly and calmed down. She continued eating the ice-cream and Zayn continued watching the movie. It was pure silence. But it wasn't that weird silence, it was good, comfortable silence. Perrie was glad he came. They used to be so closer. Not only as lovers, but as friends, too. And despite the circumstances, Perrie was glad that the thing with Jade brought them together again. While Zayn was watching the movie, Perrie was watching him. She knew she would always love him in some way and if she wanted, she could go back to him anytime. But she was glad how things turned out and that she got Jade now, - even if it seemed like she was going to lose her. Zayn was Perrie's first love, but Jade was Perrie's last love. And the last love is what it's all about. But right now she just wanted someone to hold her. She wanted to feel loved in a simple way. In a friendly, simple way. Jade wasn't there and Perrie felt really alone, but with Zayn.. It was like she finally found someone who understood what she was going through and maybe that's why she wasn't feeling lonely anymore. At least, not as much as a few hours ago.

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