4 | "Stay Strong. - Z"

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"What is happening?", Jade mumbled to herself. She didn't understand a thing. The brunette was confused and broken. The thought of never seeing Perrie again for real was killing her inside. Never being able to talk to her again or to hold her when she's sad was killing Jade inside.

The brunette sat down on the empty floor. Everything was black again and there was only one more door left. The red one. Jade didn't want to open it. She didn't have a good feeling about what might be behind the door. Also, she'd rather sit here and cry instead of living another dream sequence that would lead her to her death. She didn't want to die. 

Jade knew in how much pain Perrie was right now. She didn't exactly feel the same, but she could imagine it. Perrie couldn't live without Jade, that was clear. But people seem to forget how Jade couldn't live without Perrie either. Jade loved her so much. She's been in love with her for such a long time and now that she finally got her, this happened. You cannot imagine how Jade must be feeling right now.

The brunette closed her eyes slowly and tried to focus on Perrie. Perrie was Jade's last hope. If it wasn't for Perrie, Jade wouldn't even try to fight it. Zayn hated her and besides him, the only family she had was Perrie. And without Perrie.. She wouldn't have no family at all. No people who cared for her or her health. No one who'd cry if something would happen to her.

The moment she opened her eyes again, a singel tear streamed down her face. A few seconds later, her eyes widened in surprise, because there she was. The blonde beauty was sitting right next to Jade's hospital bed. Jade looked around the room. It was the hospital. It was like she was back in door one. Jade sat down on the bed. It was still very creepy to see her own body like this.

Jade's left breast side started to hurt as she saw how puffy and red Perrie's eyes were. Of course, it was great to know that there was someone who cared enough about you, someone who'd cry for you, but it hurt Jade to see her like this because the only reason why she was like this was because there was a high possibilty Jade would die.

"The doctors say there's.. There's a really high possibilty you'll die... But you know what? They don't know you.", Perrie suddenly said. Jade's gaze swung over to Perrie. It was cute how, even when she wasn't really there, Perrie kept talking to her. "But.. I still have to be honest with you.. - I have hope, I do. I really do. But.. What if they're right? How am I supposed to survive that? I know.. We haven't been together for a long time, but it feels like.. A part of me is gone and I try not to be angry at the doctors, or the driver or Zayn or whoever, but I can't hold it back anymore. If I have to say goodbye, I want you to know that no matter what happens, whether I find someone new or not, they'll never come first. You're my number one, Jade, and no one can change that. I love you and I always will. I know that.. You'd probably be angry at me for staying here 24/7, but I can't. I have to prepare Andrea for next week and then we have a few interviews for Little Mix and a few photoshoots, but.. I don't know how I am supposed to just go out there and not be with you, I mean.. You could die any minute, or you could wake up any minute and no matter which possibility it's going to be, I want to be here."

Tears started to stream down Jade's face. "I love you, too.", Jade whispered and slowly leaned in and kissed Perrie's cheek. Perrie closed her eyes. She had a confused look on her face. Jade slowly backed away. The brunette furrowed her eyebrows as she saw Perrie's confused look on her face. The blonde slowly raised her hand and touched her cheek.

She felt it.

"I'll come back to you, I promise.", Jade whispered before everything turned black again.


"Perrie.. I understand your point, but you know Jade wouldn't like that.", Leigh said.

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