The Calm

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Things have been going smoothly. Austin and I stay inside all day and kiss and snuggle and watch movies and he calls me his ginger princess...

After my little episode he finally started showing real feelings for me which is amazing. My best friend is my lover...

"Ashby! Pack your bag we better hurry up if we want to meet the guys on time!"

Now it's time for warped tour. I can't wait to tell everyone we're finally together!

"Alright Austin!"

I quickly pack my bag full of clothes and grab my toiletries bag. I run downstairs and Austin is standing there ready to go. I walk up and stand on my toes to kiss him and he says,

"Alan, can we.. Not... In front of the guys? I'm not ready yet..."

"Oh.. Yeah okay.."


The drive there was awkward as fuck. But we made it to the airport and checked in to our plane and barely made it. All the guys were sitting there and we greeted them like nothing ever happened between us...

I take my seat next to Phil and he gives me his golden smile and greets me.

"Hey Alan!"

"Hey Phil"

"What's wrong man? Why aren't you excited were about to go on tour again!"

"It's just..."

I look around and see Austin a couple rows ahead of us with Aaron...

"Austin and I.. I think I have like real feelings for him like really strong ones... And I know he feels the same we spent the past week with each other but.. Today he wanted to pretend like we were nothing."

"That sucks man maybe he's just not ready. Give him his space im mean he hasn't had a girlfriend since Gi- yeah sorry..."

I glare at Phil and he immediately shuts up..

I put my headphones in and start blasting music. We have a short flight and then were gonna catch our first show, then tour.

The stewardess comes by and asks if we need anything but I just ignore her...

How could Austin do this to me? He's laughing and smiling and jumping up and down. He's so happy without me..

I wish he never would have saved me from jumping off that pier. Nobody can deny the butterflies I get in my tummy when he smiles or the way I melt when he says my name, or the way he felt fucking me on my couch...

Phil starts nudging me and I look at him and take out one headphone.

"Dude your crying. None of that okay? No. We are going on your and this is going to be the best fucking your ever. We'll find you another girl or guy whatever your in to okay? Just.. No tears.."

I nod and put my headphones back on. Best tour ever...


We arrive at our first destination. We get all of our shit off the plane and then we start moving. Everyone's jumping and going crazy and rushing around. We all put our stuff on the bus and immediately jump off. I kinda just keep quiet.. Phil keeps smiling at me but it doesn't help.

I heard we're up after We Came as Romans so we get all of our instruments and Austin keeps quiet and drinks a lot of water. Resting his vocals... He starts to get in the zone and it's the sexiest thing in the world.. We wait back stage.

I'm looking around at everybody and tuning my guitar trying to look busy.. Then I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Justin Trotta our former bassist and the tech guy for WCAR...


"Hey Trotta!"

I give him an awkward hug. Damn my guitar for being in the way.

"You look good Alan! Your still an adorable little ginger kitten!"

I giggle and say

"Thank. You cut your hair it's so short! And I like your new tattoos."

He holds out his arm and says

"Thanks, I've had these for awhile I just haven't seen you in so long! How about tomorrow we hang out and catch up?"

"Sure sounds like a plan to me."

"Alright it's a date! I gotta go now. Bye!"


I turn around.. Date... Heh

"What was that about?"

Austin is all of a sudden in my face.

"Nothing Carlie. You should be resting your voice we're on in like 5 minutes... And with that I walked away.


After that we all like back on to the bus sweaty and full of energy. Shows really pump me up that was amazing. I love our fans. I take off my clothes and climb in the shower really quickly before any of the other guys take all the hot water. Aaron and Tino are banging on the door rushing me but I just close my eyes and enjoy the warmth. The bus doesn't take anytime we're already moving.

When I get out of the shower Aaron and Tino fight for it but I just ease out of the way. I quickly pull on some boxers and track pants and then head to the front lounge and grab a water. Phil is asleep on the couch and Austin is watching something on tv sprawled out on the couch beside Phil.

"Hey Austin."

"Now you want to call me by my real name?"

"Sorry, Carlie just slipped out."

"Don't let it slip out again... And you know I don't like Trotta so why were you talking to him?"

"Whoaaa Austin, I can talk to whoever I want to. Your not in charge of me. What's your deal anyways? You know what, how about I pretend nothing's going on at all!"

I run to my bunk and climb in and immediately shove my face in my pillow. Right when I feel like I'm about to cry I hear my phone meow. I search around for it and pull it out.

New Text Message From:

Hey Ashby! Great show! Saw most of it.


Thanks man! I'm really wore out and ready for some sleep.


You should get some sleep while you can I know the perfect place to go tomorrow for a late lunch before your set!


Really? Where?


It's a surprise ;)


Your no fun :P


Goodnight Ashby I'll see you tomorrow.


Goodnight Trotta.

I set my phone down beside me and lay my head on the pillow... I don't think about much except for the fact that I'm so... Tired..

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