Glass Hearts

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I woke up in a hospital.. My head was pounding and I saw Austin asleep in a chair in the corner. I sat up slowly and saw it was light outside..

"Austie?" I croaked.. He immediately shot up and came over to me and grabbed my hand.

"Oh your alright. Oh thank god your alright. How are you feeling?"

"A little sore.."

"Do you remember what happened?"

"Yeah" I said sheepishly.. I feel bad. The poor man was robbed I don't even know what happened to him..

"Is the man okay? The one who was robbed?"

Austin looked down and swallowed..

"He was shot.. He didn't make it.. I'm just so glad.. I'm so lucky he didn't shoot you Alan."

He kissed my forehead and I felt sick... The man died and there was nothing I could do about it. Lately I haven't been doing a whole lot of anything. I play the victim in every situation and I always need someone to save me. I pulled away from Austin and covered my mouth. I felt horrible.


"Don't.. I can't.. I can't right now I just.."

He nodded...

"Do you want anything?"

I barely whispered a "no thanks."

He sighed and said "I'm so happy your alright. They said you can go home whenever you woke up so I'm ready to take you whenever your ready to get up."

"Do I have clothes I can change into? I don't want to be in this hospital gown it's embarrassing."

"Yeah their over there on the counter."

I threw the blankets off of me and and go up. I slipped on the jeans and then took off the gown and replaced it with my shirt. I bent down to put on my shoes and immediately got dizzy. Austin rushed over to help me but I held out a hand and said,

"Don't. I need to do this for myself." He backed off and looked confused. I took a deep breath and then slipped on my shoes and said,

"Alright. Take me home."

When we arrived home I went inside and sat down on the couch and turned on the tv and started flipping through channels aimlessly... Austin sat beside me and asked me again,

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah Austin I'm just, a little shook up from the whole situation I don't know. I feel helpless.. Like I'm just.. A burden I'm a burden and I never do anything to help anyone ever."

"Hey, hey don't think like that, no please no Alan your not a burden I promise you-"

"I'm gonna take the dog for a walk."

"You hate dogs, Alan.."

"Maybe not as much as I thought."

I got up and got Austin's dog and a leash. I walked out the front door without another word and immediately regretted the decision. This dog was pulling me and I tried to stay on the side walk but he kept wandering into the road.

"Damn dog.." I muttered. I was speed walking and then suddenly he erupted into a fit of barking and started jumping. He tried to move forward but I pulled back on him and the leash snapped!


The dog went running down the street and I chased after him. I lost my breath pretty quickly and started to feel light headed. I slowed down as he turned down a road and I just stopped chasing him. I stood there in the middle of the road and started crying. How pathetic..

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