I sat up, huffing air out of my chest. It was Sunday and i had to attended the group they are making me go to because i overdose. Its not like i did it on purpose. I threw the sheets from over me, not minding the cast on my arm.
I was released from the hospital yesterday, and i haven't seen Nate since. Honestly I'm over it though. He's aloud to go fuck someone and carry their thongs in his back pocket but im not aloud to give someone a hung? We aren't in a relationship. Im not his. He's not mine.
I quickly got in the shower then got dressed. I looked in the mirror noticing the bags underneath my eyes. I look like a dying cockroach. Okay. I can do this. I locked the door to my house and got in my jeep. All i have to do is sit there and pretend to care.
I stood at the door of the room of which it was all held. The halls were cold and quiet. Not many people were around, just your average weirdos running around. I played with the ring on my finger. I tasted the copper like taste of blood as i bit my lip harder.
I turned the metal handle and finally opened the door. I immediately felt eyes on me. I walked in, my head down. I glanced around, seeing many different people. There were goth people, emotionally unstable people; resting-bitch-face people, then people like me. I don't know what i am but you get the point, the most approachable people.
Glancing around, various seats remained empty. I looked around for a good spot but locked eyes with someone. It was Wyatt. I saw him at the hospital the other day, but his bruises were fading mostly. I never noticed how attractive he was. I then walked towards him, my sneakers squeaking with ever step i made.
"Hey". I smiled over at him softly, speaking as quiet as i could. "Hi princess". He voice was deep and husky as he repeated the name Nate called me. Hearing this though, my cheeks burned red and i bit my lip and looked down to my lap. "Your dimples are cute". I glanced up at him once more, his eyes meeting mine again.
"T-hanks. I like your finger nails". He chuckled as i quickly covered my mouth. "Oh. Well. I did just get a pedicure". He looked at his nails, examining them as if a girl would. "A pedicure is for feet dumb ass". We laughed together as his landed on my thigh. Butterflies erupted through my body. His touch just made me so weak. Why? I don't know. All i know is that it stayed there the entire session.
"Ok ladies and gentlemen, i will see you next week". I rolled my eyes for the millionth time that hour. The brunette lady that led our group was super perky. Sometimes it just irritates me when people are too happy, or too nice. Its weird. And annoying. How can someone be that happy all the fucking time!
I stood up, Wyatt's hand falling from my lap. "Hey, Jordyn". I turned to face him, his face once again inches from mine. I remember when we met the first time. I never did find the cafeteria. "Yea". I smiled at the thought as we walked side by side. "Got any plans today?" i honestly did think about it. Watch The Fosters, or hang out with a hot dude. Fuck my life.
"Nope. Wanna hang out?" he nodded and continued walking until we were outside the building. "Need a ride?" He nodded his head as we made our way towards my jeep. "Im in walking distance so i walked instead of taking my motorcycle". I looked at him wide-eyed. "Your have a fucking motorcycle! Oh my gosh you have to give me a ride! Please? I've never been on a motorcycle but i really want to!" i was basically bouncing in my seat. "Okay, okay", his smile grew to reveal his white perfect teeth. His hair fell over his face so casually. "Ill take you. Just drive to my house".
He gave me instructions to his house. It was big; way bigger than mine. He opened up the door and got out. "Coming?" i nodded unbuckling my seat belt and hopping out.
The ceilings in in were high, glass chandeliers hung in almost everyone. Expensive china was placed everywhere. "Well hello there". I tall, skinny woman stood in front of us. Glasses balanced on the tip of her red nose. "Hello mother". Wyatt rolled his eyes, running his hand through his hair. Guys do that a lot. "So Wyatt. Who's your friend over here". I could feel get looking at me, but i tried to avoid eye contact. "This is, um, Jordyn. Just a friend of mine". His mother raised her eyebrows as a huge smile grew on her face.
"Okay. Well it was nice to meet you Jordyn. If you guys need anything i will be in my office". She winked at me before turning around and out of sight. I let go of a breath i never knew i was holding.
"Sorry about her". He looked down at me a look of embarrassment on his face. But i just shook my head and smiled. "Okay. Well we need to run up to my room real quick. I would let you sit here but i down want my mother no where near you". He put his hand in mine and i followed him upstairs.
His room was clean and neat. Nothing as i expected it to be. No band posters or anything. Just plain white walls. "Im barley home. So i never really bothered with my room". Wyatt read my mind and dug through his drawers.
I remained silent and took a seat on his bed. It was soft and smelled of him. "Okay. Lets go". I followed him once again through his house and into the garage.
"Holy shit". He chuckled as we both gazed down at his motor cycle.
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"Its beautiful". I ran my hand over the leather seat in awe. "Ha. Thanks. Hop on". He handed me a helmet and got on.
Wrapping my arms around his torso, i pulled my body closer to mine. I could feel him tense up but eventually loosen.
"Okay, princess, lets go". The engine roared as he pulled off, the wind rushing through my hair.
"This is awesome". I yelled loudly, hoping he would hear. My head buried into his back, and i clung to him tighter.
"Baby girl, this is only the beginning. We still have the whole night!"