Jordyn stood in front of me, her hand on her cocked hip. She just stared at me, expecting me to say something more. ''So, can we talk''. She stood there thinking for a minute until she finally opened the door and let me through. Walking into the all too familiar house, I took a seat in a chair in the furthest corner of the room.
''So, what are you doing here, Nate?''. Shifting in my seat, she looked at me with no emotion on her face, but her eyes old a different story.
''Well you called me a whole but of times so I just figured, why not just stop over. So I had missed your calls by the way, I was busy''. That was a lie. I was sitting at home listening to her voice mails over and over again. Things were shaky between us and I don't want to fuck things up more then they already are.
''Oh. I just wanted to thank you for giving me your ticket back from Mulan. I had a, family emergency''. She looked away, trying to avoid eye contact. Like she was nervous about something. Getting up, I sat on the couch next to her, she moved back, shuffling in her seat. I ignored it because I understood that things will never be the same between us.
''Jordyn, what happened?''. She shook her head, pealing the polish off her nails. Biting her lip nervously.
''Nate. I'm not just going to pour my heart out to you like nothing ever happened between up. You hurt me. You made me feel so shitty and every time there was someone else trying to make me happy, you made them go away. Derek, Wyatt. Well Wyatt, never mind. But the point is, you have made me so unhappy the last couple of moths and I don't even know if its safe to talk to you about anything anymore. I cant trust you''. Wow. I held back the tears in my eyes. The girl I loved couldn't trust me and it was all my fault, I fucked it all up. She tried to explain, but I gave her no room to talk.
''I understand Jordyn. I get it, and if you say you never want to see me again, I will totally understand''. She looked a little disappointed, did she expect me to fight for her? ''And I understand if you will never want to be my girl anymore and that's fine. I just want to be around you. I am at a point in my live where I cant', won't, live without you''. Her hard expression softened and she leaned in, hiving me a tight hug. We sat in each others arms. The familiar smell of vanilla filled my nose as smile crept onto my face.
''Okay, so, what happened'', She looked a bit skeptical. ''You can trust me. I will never hurt you ever again. That's the last thing I want to do''. Taking a deep breath, she began to speak.
''You remember how I found out about my sister?'' I nodded, smiling as I remembered her sitting between my legs as we went through papers. ''Yea well, I met her. And long story short, someone intentionally burned down her how and killed her parents, so now she lives with me''. My heart plunged. I could see the pain in her eyes as she told me and I hated it. Who the fuck would even do that? Tears swelled into her eyes and I wrapped my arm around her.
''Jordyn,'' She pushed me away, getting up and going into the kitchen, running her fingers through her tangled hair.
Sitting there in silence, I knew no longer what to do. ''Ill be right back, I have to pee''. I nodded as Jordyn ran upstairs, tripping over the top step. I chuckled to myself. Suddenly her phone lit up. Should I pick it up? Nah.
Looking at her phone screen, I swiped it open. No password, well that's unsafe. It was a message from the Derek kid. The dude that's been trying to take my girl.
Hey.. I'm back in town.. Wanna meet up..
Shaking my head, I threw her phone back on the couch. They still talk? Picking the phone back up, I decided I was going to delete the message.
''Nate?'' I quickly threw the phone back on the couch as she made her way back downstairs. ''What are you doing?'' She went over and pick up her phone, reading the message. ''Were you going through my messages?'' A look of disgust waved over her face. I sat there, no knowing what to say.
''Jordyn, I was just-''
''Save it Nate! I don't want to hear. I just got done telling you all my shit and you told me I could trust you. But obviously I can't!'' I shook my head trying to explain. I can do this again, I cat loose her.
''Jordyn, I'm sorry, I just got a little jealous an-''
''Nate, you aren't my boyfriend. I can be with whoever I want to be with. Derek it just a friend. I barely know him-''
''So is that why you can make out with him in Milan but not here?'' I covered my mouth as the words came out. I'm trying to get on her good side things just weren't working out for me. Maybe they never will. ''I'm leaving, Jordyn. Have fun hoeing around. Call me when you want something or real!'' Walking out, I slammed the door behind me. I reached in my pocket and pulled out a blunt, quickly lighting it. Nothing like getting high after making the biggest mistake of my life. Pulling out of the driveway, I parked my car a little further back so I could see her house.
Minutes later, she walked out of her house, wiping tears from her face with her keys in her hands. She was only in shorts and a large hoodie but I thought she looked amazing. To think that I was the one who brought those tears upon her though. Shaking my head, I drove off, pushing her to the back of my mind. And just like always, I went to find worthless to numb the pain for an hour or two.
Jordyn's POV
Pushing Nate to the back of my mind, I entered IHOP. It was open 24/7 and I was hungry. It didn't take long to look around and spot Derek. He was alone in a booth in the corner. The place was nearly empty, considering it was almost 11 at night. Taking a seat across from him, I was a little disappointed Cameron wasn't with him, but it was okay I guess. Out of all people. I would love to see Cameron most of all right now. He was always a good person to talk to.
''Hey!'' His smile was bright and radiant. ''I, um, just ordered a stack of pancakes. Everyone likes them, you know?'' I nodded although I wasn't all that hungry.
''Yea. well, Derek. What did you want to talk about?'' His smile faded and his face was completely serious.
''Us''. I looked at him confused.
''Us? What do you mean us? There isn't an us''. He nodded chuckling quietly.
''I know and that's what I want to change. And to do that I think w-'', His eyes darted towards the door. ''Cameron? What are you doing here?'' Turning around quickly to see Cameron, I quickly grew even more confused.
''And what are you doing her with Isabelle?''
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