Chapter 32 (Final Chapter)

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Jordyn' s POV

I paced back and forth around waiting room of the police deparment. I could hear Nate's screams and cries as they dragged him out of the door. He kept saying that he didn't do it, but part of me doesn't believe him.

"Hey, I got here as soon as I can. What happened?". Isabelle pulled me over to a nearby chair and sat my down.
"Nate. He killed Shawn". She looked at me as if she had already known. She wasn't surprised. Well he was famous, word should have spread by now.

''I know''. Her voiced was soft and quiet taking a seat on my lap. Her arms were wrapped around my neck and. My sobs were quiet, as I hugged her harder, letting it all out.

''Miss Leigh''. I stood up quickly, pushing Izzy from my lap. ''Jordyn, it does not look good for Nate right now. We have some of your neighbors as witnesses, saying they saw them arguing. And we found his prints all over the crime scene. To get out of this, he needs the best lawyer money can buy''.

''But we don't have money''. The officer shrugged, walking away without a care in the world. I felt tears swelling up in my eyes again but I blinked them away. I loved Nate. He's always been there and I really thought it was going to work this time. That we were gonna work this time. He couldn't have done this.


I lay alone in out cold, empty bed. I looked over at his pillow which was not flat. I ran my hand over it, then flipped it to the cool side, wrapping myself in the covers. That day my parents died, I thought it was all over for me. I figured I wasn't shit and never would be. But then Nate came along, and so did Izzy. They are all I have and one day Isabelle is gonna leave to and ill be back to where I started, alone and hopeless.


I sipped on the steamy coffee, looking out over the balcony. Isabelle had gone out to get more frozen waffle and I had been sitting outside all morning. I could hear the voices and loud thumping coming from the men next doors. They were moving all of Shawn's things out of his apartment. All of it seemed surreal. I just couldn't wrap my mind around all of it. Nate couldn't do it. I set my coffee down and went to get dressed. I texted Isabelle that I was going to be out and grabbed my car keys. This wasn't over yet.

My heels clicked against the tiled floor of the police station. Heads turned, as I looked back at the men in shackles and the women sobbing. The air smelled heavily of alcohol and cleaner. I walked up to the desk where a fat cop was flirting with the receptionist who was popping her gun and clearly was not interested.

''Excuse me''. They looked at me funny, their eyebrows raised. ''Do you know if I could now anything about the Nate Mololey case''. They chuckled lightly then stopped once they realized I wasn't joking.

''That's against the law, dumbass. Don't you ever watch SVU''. They turned away from me and stood up and walked through a door labeled ''lounge''. I huffed letting out a sigh. I swept my hair out of my face and looked around. It didn't take me long to notice an abandoned badge on the corner of the secretary's desk. I looked around quickly, making sure no one was looking and swiped it from the desk. I quickly used the key card to scan myself in then made my way down the hallway. No one notice that I didn't belong there because of the name tag. I quickly came upon a room with the word ''filing'' on the door. I turned the handle, realizing it was locked. It didn't take a key card.

''Dammit''. I looked around, people were everywhere just chatting away. Suddenly my eyes fell upon the janitor. He was mopping up something brown on the floor. A smile crept onto my face. I walked over to him, my hips swinging.

''Hey, I forgot my hey, would you mind letting me in the filing room?'' He looked up from the mess and took a glance at my badge then took a good look at my boobs. Nodded he walked over to the filing cabinet and unlocked it for me.

The room was dusty and filed with papers. I looked around, finding a stack of newer looking folder on top of a filing cabinet. I looked through them, looking through all the mugshots until I found Nates. I flipped though his files, taking a picture of each page.

Suddenly the door clicked as I quickly his behind a filing cabinet. I man stepped in. He was talk and dark. He cell phone was glued to his ear as he walked in, not bothering to shut the door behind him.

He walked further around the room, I shifted around him, getting closer to the door and making sure he didn't see me. Soon enough I got closer to the door then quickly slipped out, my heels still clicking. I ran out the lobby, dashing to my car. As soon I got in, I immediately looked through the pictures on my phone. They had evidence. A lot. They apparently had a video tape. There was no way Nate was getting out of this.

''Awe, scared for your boyfriend''. I screamed as Aaron popped out from the back seat. His hand around my neck and a knife to my side.

''A-aaron. What are you doing here?''

''Well, its really easy to get out of jail when youre rich'', He chuckled slightly, gripping my neck tighter. ''And its even easier to frame someone for murder''. I gasp, tears streaming my face. I started to squirm, but he pressed his knife further into my side. ''Excited aren't you? I'm sorry, really, Shawn was just getting too close. So why not just kill birds with one stone. I love you, but you just have worst taste in guys, Jordyn''.

''I will never love you'', I gritted through my teeth, spitting all over his hand.

''Ew''. I could sense his look of disgust. ''Now, I am going to let you go and you are gonna go home. I will have my driver send for you in 6 hours. You know what I like, Princess''. I winced as he pulled away and got out of my car.

I threw my head back a and cried. I cried harder then I had when my parents died. I just sat there, staring at the police station. I was really over, all of it. I wiped my tears and started my car.

''Izzy!'' I called her don from up stairs. ''Pack everything you want to take with you. We at going to move somewhere far away. Its all over, just me and you now''. She nodded her head, running back upstairs, no questions asked.

''It's over, for good this time''.

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