Chapter 10

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I feel my cheeks going red already and so is Jungkook's.

"This is the first step to a relationship" Yoongi smirks as he makes kissing noises. I notice Taehyung, next to Yoongi, who is so silent unlike the other boys.

"C'mon love birds we haven't got all day" Jimin sings as Jungkook sits next to me.

I face forward wanting it to end quickly. I felt a tap on my right shoulder and out of instinct I turn to be faced with Jungkook's lips on mine. We both quickly pull away as the other boys whistle and holler loudly. Taehyung looked wide eyes at both of us before quickly exiting the room. I'm blushing so hard and give a death glare at Jimin who had tapped me on the shoulder.

"Your Welcome" Jimin beams as Jungkook and I glare at him. "You'll thank me later" He winks.

My cheeks were bright red and hot, so was Jungkook's.

"OOOoooooOOOOooooo" The boys chorus as Jungkook gives them death glares. 

Taehyung's POV

I don't know why but anger filled me when Jungkook and Bora "kissed". I couldn't look at them any longer, blushing and glancing at seriously.

I walk to the kitchen to get a drink. They boys were still whistling and screaming in the other room.

I had already told Namjoon, Seokjin and Jimin that I have a crush on Bora. I couldn't tell all of them or else Jungkook might find out. All their teasing might lead to Jungkook finding out..I hope it doesn't.

Bora's POV

"TAEEEEE" Jimin screams "COME BACKKK..BORA MISSES YOUUUUU" I shoot Jimin a look.

"Oh, thats right...I shouldn't of said that or else ur boyfriend would get jealous eh?" He says as he nudges Jungkook.

"Really Jimin-ah...are u sure that was what you were supposed to say...?" I say with a bit of anger in my tone leaving Jimin quite.

"Now let's talk about Eunha eh?" The other boys joined in as well seeing where I was going with this.

"What does our Jiminie think of her?" Hoseok says with a huge smirk.

"Probably hot" Jungkook says leading him to be chased by Jimin, who was red all over his face.

"Stop him hyung" Jungkook pleads at Taehyung who has just entered the room. He doesn't pay attention leading all three of them in a pile on top of one another.

The rest of us laugh our heads off at the sight of those three who sit back into their places. I spin the bottle and to my luck it lands in Jimin. I give him a devilish look, he knows exactly what i'm going to make him do.

"Payback" I whisper into his ear.

"Truth" He blurts out.

"Ok" I smirk "On a scale from one to ten, ten being the highest, where would Eunha be?"

"Yah, so I have to answer.." He pouts while doing aegyo.

"Yes, unless u want dare..?" Hoseok raises an eyebrow.

"I'll go dare"

"Perfect" I giggle

"This should be interesting" Seokjin comments.

"Show no mercy Bora" Namjoon cheers.

"Ask Eunha on a date" I say calmly.

"OOOooooOoooO" The boys scream as they ruffle Jimin's hair and pat him on the back.

"You'll thank me" I wink while running away from him.

"COME BACK HERE LEE BORA!" He screams chasing after me. We both run around the living room until we're so puffed out yay we could barely breathe.

The others laugh and chatter starts among ourselves. Jungkook approaches me while looking at the ground.

"Bora..ahh..umm..sorry..the wasn't..I wasn't..sorry" He scratches the back of his head and shuffles his feet at his attempt to apologize.

"It's fine" I say ruffling his hair.

"Bora do u like Exo?" Yoongi asks as he is fumbling with his bluetooth speakers.


"Wow I never knew you were such a big fan" Namjoon laughed.


"Who's your favourite?" Seokjin questions.

"BAEKHYUN! OMG HE'S SO PERFECT AND SUCH A GOOD SINGER" I pause to gasp for air as the boys all laugh.

"Looks like we have an Exo-L" Hoseok smirks.

"Wonder if she stalks him" Jimin asks while looking at the sky. I give a glare his way.

"There.." Yoongi says as Namjoon plays through the speakers and immediately I start dancing and singing along with the boys.

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