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Author note:



Peter ends up telling me that he and Charlotte are in a small rainy town in Washington that goes by the name of Forks.

Since I'm in Minnesota, I decide to wait until it gets dark and then run to release rhe future stress that was no doubt coming my way.

I run through the three states separating Washington and Minnesota, coming across various sets of scents, all ranging from very faint to a day old.

It takes me just over 74 hours of running and dogging around towns to get to the Welcome sign that is seated at the start of Forks.

Leaning up against a solid tree truck about 200 feet from the sign, I grab my mobile phone from my black bag and punch in Peter's number.

I drum my fingers against the bark of the tree, watching pieces of it fall to the soggy moss-covered ground. I stroke the bark much like I would do if I was sitting piano playing with the keys.

'Tap' 'Tap' 'Tap' my fingers go against the bark.

Peter answers after the 5th ring,

As soon as he picks up I say, in a don't-push-me-right-now-l-will-remove-your-man-bits-if-you-do tone, "I'm at the welcome sign. What now?"

"I'll be right there, hold on." He muttered.

He can obviously tell I'm annoyed at doing this; however he's my best friend, my brother, he's part of the only family I have in this life.

I'll do anything he or Charlotte asks me to do if it's threatening their lives,  however if I don't want to do it, I'll let them know.

"Holding." I deadpanned into the device I was holding to my ear.

He chuckles into his phone. "Lovin' the enthusiasm, Darlin'."

I roll my eyes so hard I think I see the back of my head and my bag suddenly finds itself in my hands.

Lifting my shoulder to keep the phone to my ear, I use both of my hands to open the bag.

"Just run, please." I signed, looking down and going through the bag to find what I wanted.

I pull out a small, circle contain filled with blueberries.

I bring it up to my face, inhaling the scent and it brings up memories that my brain associates with it.

"Okay, be there in a minute or tw-"
I push the red button, ending the short call.

"Yum." I moan, popping a couple in my mouth and piercing the small fruit with my sharp teeth.

I chuck a few in my mouth, savouring the bitter and sweet taste.

"Al." I hear a deep familiar southern voice say.

I lift my head and see across the opposite side of the road, looking back at me are dull almost black red eyes.

Its Peter, with his blonde hair a mess and underneath his eyes a deep purple, if any humans saw him they'd think he had a freshly broken nose.

He hasn't fed in weeks...That needs to change right now.

"Let's Go." I told him sternly as my hands clench around the container, he rolls his dark eyes but walks across the road.

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