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Author note:

Also if anyone wants to make a better cover for this, feel free to.

I suck at making covers.
Just message me and I'll give you props for the cover.

Enjoy coz I stayed up till 12:30 am to finish this CH. off.


All of them look away immediately, yeah, that's what I thought.

Turning my head, I look at Charlotte. She's laying on my rock, arms behind her head, face towards the sun, what little sun there is and her eyes closed.

Sparkling when little sun rays break through the dark clouds, it's been forever since Char and I hung out, just the two of us.

Casting one last narrowed eyed look over at the men, each looking off in different directions in embarrassment, I grab my bag and Charlotte's hand.

"Are we done here?" I demand, as Charlotte sits up.

Still looking down, Edward clears his throat.

"Yes." He answers, starting to look at me.

"Good," My reply to him is hard, then I turned towards Charlotte

"C'mon Char." I say, as she stands up.

"Where are you two goin'?" Peter's accent drifted through the air to us.

"Nowhere that concerns you." Comes out of my mouth, and I don't regret it, not at that moment.

Getting started at like a piece of meat, it's not something I like and that's exactly what they were doing, looking at me like I was food.

It sent shivers down my spine, and not good shivers, the dark look that was in their eyes.

I march off in the direction we came, gripping my bag in one hand and Charlotte's hand in my other.

Stumbling along beside me, Charlotte's eyes turned into slits.

"What was that for?" She glares at me, finally getting her footing.

I look at her, begging her to remember with my eyes.

Her faces soften as she recalls what I told her 40 years ago.

"I'm sorry, Alex."

I brush off her apology with a quick, sad smile and leave the sore subject behind.

"Where are we going anyway?" She questions me, as I turn to the right.

"Seattle, we're having some girl time, after you feed," then I add "don't give me that look, I can see how dark your eyes are."

Because she was giving me a look, She was giving me her, don't-baby-me-im-older-then-you look.

I just smile at her and starts running faster.

Since it was a very cloudy day, Charlotte and I didn't have to worry about shining like someone just dumped a lot of glitter on us.

The shops stayed open at this shopping centre until 11:30 pm here, I told Charlotte to go and find a bite to eat, then meet me somewhere.

She wraps her arms around me, giving me a hug.

"I'll meet you in that shop over there." Her voice is muffled by my shoulder.

"Kay," I say back to her, giving her one last squeeze and letting go.

Looking over to the shop she said, I see that its a mall.

Charlotte has always loved to shop but she's not crazy about, like Alice.  Charlotte could wait, so she'd have more time to shop, Alice couldn't wait, she's shops at every possible moment.

Charlotte gives me a sly smile, then disappeared into the crowd.

I roll my eyes at her slyness and start walking towards the mall, but stop in my tracks when a delicious scent hits my nose.

Turning my head towards the scent, I see a fruit shop, a sign out the front letting everyone know that ' half a kilo of Apples are $1.50'.

I stroll into the shop as the smell of apples, bananas, peaches and a lot more fruits come to me.

I should probably explain, I'm not like other vampires.

I like the texture, the taste of food even though I have to throw it back up later.  It makes me feel normal, almost human. It's a human need that I miss and it brings me comfort.

I shake my head at that thought and wander through the aisles, seeing everything from watermelons to pineapples, honeysuckle to grapes and blueberries to raspberries.

I grabbed the ripest mango off of a pile mango's as I walk by and hold it up to my face, looking at the colour.

I place it in the basket I got when I walked in the store and stroll down a few more steps to the mixed fruit salad stand.

I pick up the one with the most blueberries, and look at the other fruits in it.

Inside of the plastic container was a whole lot of fruits; it had a banana, strawberries, apples, some watermelon, honeysuckle, rockmelon and some plain yoghurt.

I put it next to the mango and walk up to the counter to pay, fishing my wallet out as I walk.

"Hello." The redheaded teenage girl manning the cash register says shyly to me.

"Hi." I smile at her as I grab the mango and fruit salad out, then I plop the basket on the basket stand beside the counter.

She rings up my purchase.

"Would you like a bag, ma'am?"

"Yes, thank you, I would." Comes from my mouth

Grabbing a plastic bag from beside her, she puts the fruit salad and mango in it.

"That's $8:20, please."

I hold out my debit card and she takes it, swapping it through the machine she asks 'Saving?' and I nod my head.

She then passes me the machine and I put my pin in, after I hand it back to her.

The teen gives me the bag with a 'have a nice night', I walk out of the shop, to a single bench on the side of the mall and sit down.

Sitting the plastic bag beside me, I pull out my fruit salad and a fork, I crack open the lid and piece a piece of watermelon with my fork.

I'm about to pop it into my mouth when someone sits down beside me.

Placing my fork down in my fruit salad, I give the person a heavy sigh.

"Can't I eat my fruit salad in peace?" I question them, semi pissed at the events that have happened throughout today.


Thoughts? :3

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