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Author note:
Thanks for all the votes and comments.



I open the door to Renesmee playing the piano; her little fingers gliding across the keys with ease.

Its a beautiful melody; mixing just the right amount of notes, highs and lows
blending seamlessly together.

"Hello." She says, not looking away from the keys.

"Hi there." I reply, walking into the room and over to the piano where I slowly crouch down to her level. 

"Are you here to help us with the Volturi?" She asks, her voice was child like filled with hopefulness and curiosity but also filled with the maturity of someone much older.

I give her a small smile and she gives me one back.

"If you would like me to, yes." I tell her, giving her the option to say no.

She stops, touches my hand that I put on the seat she's sitting on when I crouched down.

'Thank you.' The words appear in my mind and it makes me smile so I send a message right back at her, 'You're very welcome, Small one.'

"Daddy she has the same power as me." Her eyes light up as she told Edward over my shoulder with a wide smile.

Edward walks around the piano until he's at the bottom end; a deeply confused look on his face, him and Renesmee across from each other.

'I have a lot of abilities, Honey.' I say to her in her mind but before she can reply, Bella walks in with a black burner phone pressed to her ear.

"Okay... yeah, we'll be waiting... See you soon," Bella tells the people on the phone, before pressing the red end call.

"Charlotte, Peter," Bella says, knowing that they will hear her wherever they are in the house.

I get up from my crouch and lean against the piano as Peter and Charlotte walk into the room.

"Yes?" Charlotte asks Bella, her hand wrapped in Peter's.

"Carlisle and Esme left last night to gather witnesses, they are sending some friends from Egypt," Bella answers, walking over to Edward's side.

Someone walks in the front door and It's one of the native men I saw last night that were standing from under a tree.

Its a man with short hair, cut off jeans,  a very tight t-shirt on and he also smells strongly of a wet dog.

My nose tingles from it and I scrunch it at the aroma.

"Jake!" Renesmee shouts, her voice tingled with excitement, she rushes off the piano seat and over to the man; he bends down and Renesmee wraps her arms around his shoulders.

"Hey Nessie, what have you been doing?" This guy, I assume his name is Jake, says wrapping his arms around her and picks her up.

"Oh a lot of things," She bubbles on "I had breakfast, I got dressed, I played the piano..." She keeps going.

"Jacob, Sam's pack?" Edward asks Jake, as I walk over to Peter and Charlotte.

"They said yes...they're at the Treaty line." He says to Edward, still distracted by Renesmee.

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