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Author note:

I'm so sorry that I couldn't update sooner,
I had to help my mum with somethings, sorry again.



No one says anything. I can hear the running stream from miles away, the three native people heartbeats and the hybrids slightly faster one coming from the large house.

Emmett comes walking slowly and cautiously out of the bit of trees he went flying into, bits of bark and leaves in his hair and clothes.

It's silent until he reaches his family and then a bit.

Carlisle being the so-called coven leader breaks it.

With a clap of his hands together in front of him and the straightening his back, Carlisle says "Peter, Charlotte why don't you introduce us to your friend?"

Smiling a small but disappointed smile, Peter lightly shakes his head.

"Really Carlisle? you're going to pretend you don't-" Peter started but he gets cut off by Edward.

"Alex?" Edward asked unsure, questioning if I was really the ex that he and his family left without a word.

I mean come on! I had tried to get in touch with him, with them for 6 months after I found out he left.

I was heartbroken when I went to his house, I didn't hear from him for a week and none of the Cullens or Hales where at school so after school, I had driven to his place and I found an empty house.

Crisp white sheets over the lounges, beds and floors, nobody home, pictures all gone, his CD collection gone.

"Alex?" Edward asks again, shaping me out if my flashback, positive that I was his ex.

"Yes, Eddie?" I taunt, knowing he hated being called that nickname.

Edward opens his mouth to say something but Esme interrupts.

"H-How are you here?" She questions me.

I want to say something really petty like "Why do you care? You left me as well."

But it's Esme.

I can't do that to Esme, she was the closest thing to a mother I ever had even if she did leave.

So instead, I purge my lips and angle my body away.

Peter knows this sign, I won't answer anything else tonight and no one can make me.

Scratching the back of his neck, he warned "Al won't answer anything tonight, so its best not to push 'er. Trust me, you don't want her to snap. She's not nice when she does."

All of The Cullens and other vampires look around at each other cautiously.

Emmett speaks up, asking the question everybody was thinking about beside Charlotte and Peter.

"What happens when she snaps?"

I giggle and smirk, remembering the times Peter or Charlotte pushed me, resulting in either discomfort or minor injuries.

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