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I push Renesmee behind me to Jacob and get in a protective crouch, then I push out my shield so it's covering Jacob as well.

I put a thin layer of Kate's power on top of my shield as extra protection.

I don't think Renesmee would be so warm and friendly with me if I let Jacob get hurt.

A loud growl comes from my throat and venom pools in my mouth, I hear the tearing of fabric and look over my shoulder to see a rustic coloured wolf has replaced Jacob.

I feel more than hear 4 people running towards us, more then likely its Edward, Bella, Charlotte and Peter.

The wolf hits my shield and gets flipped into the water on its back.

The two human men explode into wolves; one pure black and the other chocolate brown with dark grey fur around his eyes.

All of 3 the wolves go up to grey one as it rolls over and gets up, all of them start to growl and slowly come towards us.

I don't want to fight this early in the morning so using Jaspers power, I make up a emotional cocktail that will knock them out for a bit.

I put exhaustion, calmness, numbness, and a tiny bit of fear into the dark silver wolf's the cocktail.

The fear to get back at him for being a little shit.

All of the wolves try to fight it but can't, so they flop down in the water, give a yawn and they are out like a light.

Edward, Bella, Charlotte and Peter chose to come bursting out of the trees as the wolves start to snore.

Edward looks around at the wolves confused while Bella races over to Renesmee and Jacob.

"You still got it, Al," Charlotte smirks, walking over to us with Peter in tow.

I contract my shield and put one of my hands on my hip.

"Of course I still have it, I'm fabulous," I state sassily, flipping my hair over my shoulder.

I hear Bella asks Renesmee what happened and if she is OK, Renesmee puts her arms around Bella in a hug and I'm guessing that she uses her power to tell her what happened.

As Jacob is still a wolf, he goes behind a bush, I look quickly away, it doesn't take a genius to know what's about to happen since he ripped his clothes to threads when he shifted, I remove my jacket and hang it over my forearm.

Jacob clears his throat.

"Umm," Hr says, rubbing his arm, he clearly didn't think.

"Catch," I tell him, tossing my jacket to him, he grabs it in mid-air, puts it in front of his private bit.

"Thanks." He mudded, holding the long sleeves behind his back.

"No problem," I say to him, I open my bag and take out my wallet, turning to Charlotte.

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