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Author note:

Does anyone know how to dedicate chapters? I really want to know how.



My eyes snap open to the sound of banging on my hotel door, the 'BANG' 'BANG' 'BANG' sound almost makes my eyes twitch.

I roll out of the bed and throw my hair up in a loose bun, a couple strands fall around my face.

"Who is it?" I ask, slowly walking over to it, the banging stops and the person clears their throat.

"It's me, it's Edward." I hear a voice replying towards the door.

The voice of the man I was happy to spend the rest of my human life with, the voice of the man that made promises he couldn't keep, the voice of the man that left me without any warning.

The voice of the man who has a wife, a child and still had tried to kiss me.

Stopping, I lean against the hotel wall and cross my arms against my chest.

"What do you want, Edward?" I sighed and watched the door with interest.

He's silent and by the time he answers, I start to think he's left.

"I... I guess I just wanted to see if you're okay. "

I shoot a frown at the wooden broad he's behind and start to get my clothes ready for the day; a nice long sleeve black T-shirt with the word 'delicious!' printed on the chest part, I match it with some deep purple skinny jeans and my 5-inch ankle boots.

"Well, I am, can you leave now?" I say as I start to undress myself, stripping off my baggy T-shirt and sweatpants.

The door handle starts to turn and a look of horror makes it way onto my face.

"No! Don't! Don't open the—" However, he doesn't listen, he never listens.

So he opens my door and gets an eye full of me just in my underwear before I manage to cover myself with my baggy t-shirt.

A look of lust comes into his eyes before I start screaming at him.

"Get out! Get out now, you pervert!"

He closes his eyes but doesn't start to move so... I grab the complimentary bible that was sitting on the counter and aim it straight at his head.

'SMACK' right in the face.

"I said now! You, You, You assho—" He slams the door shut, cutting off the rest of the colourful word.

I hear his footsteps as he runs away.

Well, I did tell him not to open the door, it is his own fault that he doesn't listen.

Quickly I pull on my top, pants and boots before I sit on my bed with my head in my hands, breathing deeply through my mouth.

I end up calming down enough to leave my hotel room without scaring any humans so I grab my bag with all my important things in it and run to Port Angeles.

It takes 25 minutes to get there and I can hear the sounds of the City 5 minutes before hitting the town welcome sign.

My body is tense and from the stress of the last few days are getting to me, my throat starts burning.

I can normally go two weeks without feeling the burn and 3 weeks without hunting if I push it.

It really shows how stressful the past few days have been for me.

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