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Author note:
Hey readers, I'm back...well, kinda.

I probably won't update as fast as I did before when I first started the book, but I'll be updating when I can.

Also thanks for voting, commenting and adding my story to your reading list.



.... It's Peter.

Walking up to us, he kisses Charlotte on the cheek and gives me a brotherly hug.

"Sorry," I say into his shoulder, wrapping my arms around his middle.

I feel really bad about the way I spoke to him as we were leaving.

Peter shakes his head, his hair fanning out as he does so.

It reminded me of what dogs do when they're wet, the thought would have made me giggle if I wasn't feeling so bad.

"S'okay," He signed, giving me a gentle squeeze. "Seen the way they were lookin' at you darlin'."

Pulling back, I let go of him and he walks over to Char, taking hold of Charlotte's hand.

Suddenly, my stomach is in knots and I feel a burning feeling coming feelings throat where there use to be tissue.

They start walking into the house but stop and look over their shoulder when I don't follow.

"I'm going to go back to my hotel; not feeling too good," I state, slowly making my way back to the greenery.

Peter starts to say something but stops when he sees Charlotte shaking her head.

"Okay, see you later, Al," Peter says instead, a frown growing on across his face.

Giving him a tight smile, I turn and run back to my hotel, almost ripping the door off as I walk into my room.

I run over to the small bathroom, pull the toilet let up and start throwing up the fruit pieces that didn't digest.

Standing up, I slowly walk into the small bathroom and look at my reflection.

I'm a mess.

Venom is dripping down onto my black singlet, draining the colour from it so my hands come up to wipe at my chin but I shake my head once I see that my hands are covered in it, I bring my hands back down to my sides.

I take off my clothes and roll them up, stuffing them in a plastic bag to take out later.

I stand up to turn the hot water on in the shower.

Once the bathroom is foggy from the hot steam, I grab my toiletries from off the counter and get into the shower, letting the hot water flow over my cold skin.

Letting the only bodily fluid I have washed down the drain.

It creates some pretty patterns as I put some coconut body wash on a washer and scrub my body clean.

I shampoo my hair next, massaging the clear and soapy liquid into my roots and my tips.

Washing it out, I pick up the conditioner and smother it in my hair, brushing my teeth while it moistures my hair.

After I rinse out the conditioner, I spit out the toothpaste and rinse out my mouth thoroughly.

Turning off the water, I get out of the shower and wrap myself in a fluffy towel, drying my body.

I also put my hair up in a towel and walk out to my bed, pulling on a baggy T-shirt and some sweatpants.

The notebook from the Op shop is on my bed.

Because I can't remember being it in, I frown at it.

Giving a shrug, I sit on my bed and I go through the pages.

The notebook looks like it belongs to a doctor, he seems to have done research on hybrids between vampires and humans, writing down how to court them, how to have intercourse with them, what he did with them.

I knew that I should have given this to Edward and Bella but I had a feeling that I shouldn't, that it had to go to someone else.

Tucking the book until my pillow, I take the locket and open it, taking the folded piece of paper out and unfolding it.

A beautiful sketch of a pregnant Mapuche woman is on the page, she's holding her stomach and looking out at me, a small smile on her lips.

I put the picture back in the locket and side it under my pillow too.

The clock on my hotel wall ticks, my eyes go up to it and I see that it's 4 am, I've spent about two hours going through the notebook.

My phone starts to light up and a second after I hear the ringtone Peter set for himself.


Quickly, I reach over on my bedside table and snatch it up, bring it to my ear and answer it.

"Yes, Peter?" I ask into the device, as I get up and under the quilt on top of the bed.

"You okay, Al?" Are the first words he says.

Nodding, I reply. "Yeah, I'm fine, Peter..."

I can tell he doesn't believe me by the next words out of his mouth.

"I'm coming over."

Sounding like the sweet southern guy he is, back when all guy only did the protect and provided, where the ladies stayed at home, looked after the children and house.

It was a time where girls were seen as needing someone to provide and protect them.

I'm not a girl that will get bossed around and I won't stand for it, Peter knows this, so it didn't stun him when I answer like I did.

"Pardon you, Peter Whitlock, but I have never lied to you. You have no reason not to believe me. I said I'm fine, and I am, so if you don't mind, I'd like to be left alone tonight. Goodnight!"

I almost shouted the last word into the mobile phone, before crushing it to dust in my hand and rolling over.

I glare at the hotel flower wallpaper for a few hours, willing it to burn to dust, much like the phone, before I calm down and close my eyes, pretending to be a sleep....pretending to be human.

Thoughts? (^_-)

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