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I am being hugged by Isabella Cullen and she's dry sobbing on my shoulder.

"Thank you, Thank you." She says over and over again.

"Um..." I feelawkward, I hate being touched by people I don't know, I pat her on the back awkwardly while trying to wiggle away from her.

"You're welcome?" I squeak, extremely uncomfortable.

She manages to pull herself off of me.

"Sorry, it's just... Edward told me what happened with you and him, and you're still willing to help." Bella says gratefully.

"Did he now? And She's an innocent child, of course I'm going to help."

"We just need you to be a witness; That's all." Someone over Bella's shoulder said.

Bella turns around, walks over and sits next to Edward; entwining her hand with his.

As they are the only people in the room; Charlotte disappear when I was distracted with Bella, I assume he was the one that talked.

"I can do that."

I try to ignore the tone he said 'That's all' to me with.

Awkward silence again.

"What started this?" I question actually curious, I couldn't stand the awkward silence with them, I had to do something about it.

"One of our cousins Irina saw Renesmee, Jacob and I playing in the snow and she thinks that Renesmee is an immoral child.
She's gone to the Volturi to have us executed." Bella started, she looked so regretful.

"She's not although. She was born, not created. She has blood rushing through her, a heartbeat." Edward finished what Bella started to say.

I didn't know what to say, so I say the only thing I could think of.

"The Volturi won't listen to you." I sigh, thinking about that poor child, Renesmee.

"We know that but if we get enough witnesses they might," Bella says hopefully.

"It's worth a try," Edward says, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles, comforting her like he used to do to me 45 years ago.

I bite my tongue.

"Can I meet her?" I ask them, asking if it's ok.

"She's sleeping," Edward answers, standing up.

"Oh. Okay...Well... I'll just be outside." I reply, I wander outside quickly before they can say anything else.

Wandering down to the driveway, I breathe in deeply.

A ton of scents hit me; the bark of the trees around me, the damp ground, the stream not far from me and a lot of others.

I also get the smell of wet dogs, a bit ew but it's nothing that not breathing won't fix.

I decide to walk to the stream, I run my hands along the trees as I walk by,  feeling the groves in the bark and the different textures they make.

It takes me 10 minutes to reach the small but beautiful stream.

It has thousands of little pebbles on each side, the water is clear as crystals; you can see the pebbles on the bottom of the water and it has one huge, smooth rock right by the edge of the water.

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