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We run through Forks with Peter giving me directions every once and a while.

"Turn right here."

"Straight, then a left at this broken tree."

"The House is just up here... Make a right." Peter says, cautiously.

"Here?" I ask.

At Peter's nod, I stop running and start walking at a human pace, my body gliding me over the vibrant ground.

15 minutes of human pace walking and my heart starts to burn before spreading throughout the rest of my body.

I collapse on the muddy floor, dig my fingers into the dirt and ground my teeth together.

The closest thing I can compare it to is the Change.

It's like getting your whole body dunked in acid and it slowly steeping through the layers of your skin, muscle and bone no matter how much you try to tear it away so it stops.

When I copy other gifted vampires powers, my body feels the burn just like it did when I was bitten, each tsunami of pain was scream-worthy. My body would be dripping in sweat if I was human.

7 massive waves, 7 new powers I could mold into whatever I needed or wanted.

Peter notices my uncomfortableness, bending down to rub circles up on my back and I hear him in my mind worrying about me.

Lovely, Ass-ward is home.

"Al, what's wrong?" He said out loud cautiously.

"7." I told him as I pulled my nails from the earth, stand up and dust myself off.

The burn was fading away and so was the need to claw every inch of my marble hard skin off.

I sigh with relief.

Peter and Char knows what happens when I get powers; they have seen it multiple times when we've run into gifted immortals together.

Peter pulls out a small, silver mobile phone and presses the call button.

The person he called answered straightway, like they were waiting for him to call so at first I think it's Alice and I tense up but after I hear the female, southern accent.

I calm down, It's Charlotte.

"Hey, Sugar." Peter beamed, his voice joyful and in love.

Even though he and Charlotte are decades old, they still act like their in the honeymoon stage of their relationship and I suppose that's the joy of being in a mated relationship.

"Don't you 'Hey, Sugar.' me, Peter Whitlock. Where are you? We're supposed to be here, helping our brothers family but you run off! That's not being a good brother, Peter."

Charlotte exploded, her usually calm soothing voice replaced by worry and anger.

I want to laugh but I keep quiet. From the tone of her voice Hubby definitely didn't tell her about my coming to the party.

So instead a big grin makes its way onto my face.

I look at Peter and he can automatically tell I'm not going to help him out but that doesn't stop him from begging me with his eyes and mind.

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